
I use honey love lip stick, really matte and a little more pinky nude than the color she has listed as putty.

I mentioned in another post I had no idea until I watched the Punk Singer about Kathleen Hanna. Its pretty much taken over her life since she was undiagnosed for so long. Its heart breaking to see a woman who was once so full of life be pretty much a shaking pile of goo on the couch.

Watch the Punk Singer. Its about Kathleen Hanna of Bikini Kill and she has lyme disease. I had NO IDEA how gnarly it could be until I saw this documentary, its really mind blowing how badly it can mess you up for life.

I’ve never looked at a squash the same way after my friend told me a woman ruptured her cervix. The story she had was she was cleaning her windows naked when she fell onto her drawer of vegtables with hers legs spread jamming it up there with such force it punctured her cervix. She didn’t come in right away and it did

“Hillary Clinton embraces abortion on demand in all circumstances up until the moment of birth.”- Really? Does he think that there is this huge amount of women who are in labor in delivery pushing away and go you know, fuck it, just give me an abortion instead this is taking to long.

I also just got a notice from one of the drug companies who made one of the drugs I used during IVF that they have recalled all of the drug due to potency issues and Im getting 2k refunded to me. Now Im wondering if my IVF failure was due to that. The thing is we don’t have money to try again.


Thank you. Im a big believer that everything happens for a reason. Through out this experience my husband and I have decided that we are open to adopting older children and want siblings. We are also open to orphaned refugee children. (I met someone through work who places refugee children) So my kids are out there

Yeah I was always told I could wait- well I waited too long. close to 50k down the shitter and all I have to show is 2 miscarriages and failed IVF. I have 3 dogs with my husband and we are now starting the adoption process.

“Oh you don’t look nearly as fat as the last time I saw you.” For fucks sakes stop telling me Im fat, Im not fucking fat! Im just not super duper skinny.

Have you read the night huntress series by Jeaniene Frost or the Mercy Thompson books by Patricia Briggs? Mercy is my all time favorite, the story stays amazing and she grows as a person. The Hallows by Kim Harrison is also a really good series.

Im on the second to the last Jane Yellowrock myself. Just took a break to catch up on some reading for work, then back to Jane!

I have a friend who some how lost custody of her kids to the man who beat the crap out of her and forced her to go through electro shock therapy. He is still on probation for beating her up. But she has no money to defend herself. Every few months he brings up some BS thing and she doesnt see her kids for months. He

Family court is terrifying. I have friends who have been to hell and back because some judge gets a wild hair up his ass and all you can do is wait and file again later. I really hope that these women get their child back soon. It is not in her best interest to be removed from a loving home that has all of the right

I see other holiday tie ins here. Hearts for valentines day, Michael Myers masks on the wrapper for Halloween. There are some big possibilities here.

you my friend are awesome!!

Its totally possible for single parents! We found a non profit organization that gives you a run down of everything you need to know when adopting through foster care and we went to one of their orientations and listened to an adoptive family speak. They provide you with support the whole way and after. Its very

Next week I have my orientation for classes to adopt a child through the foster care system. Im super scared and excited and nervous all in one. What if they look at me and go no way loser, no kids for you! I have one friend who adopted and she has been helping me but she has a much more adult personality than I do. I

I still feel that way and I have been at my job for 3 months and got a glowing review. Being an adult is weird, but you just keep showing up and eventually its gotta get better. Theres always chocolate in the mean time.

I want to boop that nose!