
gift with purchase. God I hate that i know that. Not to be confused with pwp which is purchase with purchase. think cosmetics companies when you can buy a crap ton of cosmetics for 29.99$ when you spend 50$ or something like that.

She would have been real young. She started dating Blake in her early 20s and they were together a long time before getting married. I love her and seriously if I were Gwen would watch my back. She seems like the type of girl who would jump you in the bathroom while her friends were the look out.

rock steady-esque with a county beat? I just shuddered writing that.

wait, a soft pretzel menorah? Does it come with mustard and cheese and you eat one candle for everyday of Hanukkah?

I just noticed that! Maybe its one of the only costumes that comes in a alot of different sizes? Its really hard to find costumes to fit big dogs.

I have a giant bumble bee too!

This is last year but they have the same costumes. Once my husband gets up we will be Gomez and Morticia to hand out candy.

lived in a not so great neighborhood in LA-I had a roommate who worked from home and a huge dog, so we weren’t too worried. We made friends with all of our neighbors and settled into a groove of living in a new place. Now our apartment according to our neighbor used to be like a boarding house, and it made sense to

I started subscribing to the Julep box since I wanted to get better quality nail polish and I have to say I have been beyond impressed with everything I have tried. You can swap out the products to get other things since nail color is so subjective and I have had only great experiences with the nail color. I have

my story is not as gross as the harp case, but since we are talking dog poop- my dog keeps pooping by my car. We have an entire yard and she goes over and poops right by the cars. I now bring bags to pick up poop every time i leave the house!

My husband works on a military base and he keeps an eye out for things going on sale. We both grew up with too many siblings and not enough food so we feel like billionaires with our middle class public service jobs. Im not the only one, there are lots of other librarians like me in my system who know that a little

Its probably a homework center. The housing projects that I work with have educational coordinators who help the kids with homework and it has computers for them to study and play on. Some schools give kids laptops for schools, but then they don’t have internet at home, so the homework center is a place they can go

The feeling I get around these kids makes it all worth it. Its hard to believe I get paid to hang out with kids and talk about books. I remember what its like to be hungry and to have an adult to be kind to me, it made a big difference in my life.

Im a librarian and we will have kids there till close alone. Its a huge bummer, I work in an area with a really high poverty rate and we make sure everyone has done there homework and I give them snacks from my programs to make sure they have at least eaten something till they get home. The really little ones are

I have a very young coworker who walks with a cane because of MS. We work in a public library and people will ask her, and its still new enough to her that its a bummer. So last night I piped in- Vampires man, dont ever trust the vampires. She looks at me in shock at first and then starts laughing. The person asking

sometimes when i look at my normal hand it looks big compared to my other hand. Little kids are always the most interested in talking about it and really looking at the scars and figuring out where the bones end. Their parents are usually horrified but its part of who I am. Its like having green eyes or brown hair,

she was a bad ass! I miss her terribly.

Ive always wondered if there was some sort of study about self perception of people who have lived through a traumatic injury of some sort because I honestly forget Im missing a finger until I go to use my hand and I drop something or cant do what I am attempting. I have lived longer with the amputation than I did

I was in a really bad accident and when people would ask my about where the rest of my hand is my Grandma would lose her shit. She would tell them no one asks you why you are so stupid you ask strangers inappropriate questions so don’t ask my grand daughter what happened to her! It was really funny to see my teeny

Shark attack is my go to when people what happened to my hand. (I’m missing a finger and a big chunk of my hand) I have also looked at my hand and acted totally shocked that everything wasn’t there.