
It’s also a form of gatekeeping. If the language requires a lawyer to understand it then you’ve got to hire a lawyer. If it’s simple enough, but still legally enforceable, for a lay person to understand it then a lot of low-hanging fruit legal work could potentially be done by the lay person without having to shell

Teamsters often honor other unions strikes- in and out of show-biz.

Obama is always going to lean in the direction of where the money is. The “Flint water sip” is all you need to know about what truly motivates the man.

Crossing a picket line is crossing a picket line. You definitely don’t get a pass because you’re not on the union, otherwise scabs wouldn't be scabs.

How downhill we’ve gone that writers demand contractual protections against AI.

AI-written scripts punched up by executives is what will come from this and it will be as awful as it sounds.

The two biggest reality shows - American Idol and Survivor - premiered 5 and 7 years before the last writer strike. MTV started The Real World in 1992. Hollywood didn’t need to lose their writers to figure out that cheap reality TV that required little staff and no high paid stars could fill time on the schedule and

many still view the move as in poor taste.

OK, that got a genuine laugh out of me. Thanks!

Good that he’s standing with the writers for a fairer deal. The heartbreaking thing is that Andor is so, so good, and that is clearly the result of great effort on his part and everyone else working on it. I think it’s a masterpiece, frankly. The idea that a strike could end up disrupting the quality of season 2 would

*but in this case, space is on the ground.

I think humanity’s had a good run, but it’s time we accept we’ve scraped the bottom of the barrel.

For the love of God, please give the writers’ union whatever they want!

It’s an ad.  But yes, it’s bullshit.  One of the biggest heaps of bullshit I’ve seen here.

It’s an ad.  But yes, it’s bullshit.  One of the biggest heaps of bullshit I’ve seen here.

Is this a press release, passed through without comment? Is this paid advertising? Either way it’s bullshit.

Is this a press release, passed through without comment? Is this paid advertising? Either way it’s bullshit.

Supplements are not regulated at all. This means they can sell you powdered farts and tell you it’s a miracle cure with no repercussions.  

Supplements are not regulated at all. This means they can sell you powdered farts and tell you it’s a miracle cure

Nothing surprising about this... it was always likely to be an unsustainable fad, and when Funko found early success they leaned in HARD. Tie-ins with basically every media property that has ever existed. There’s obviously no sustainable model when you’ve already exploited damn near everything that anyone has ever

I have an irrational hatred of Funko Pops, so this story is nothing but schadenfreude for me.

Spanfeller & company give no fucks.

Spanfeller & company give no fucks.

If your cat is anything like mine, those sparkly balls are going underneath all the furniture in like 5 minutes.

If your cat is anything like mine, those sparkly balls are going underneath all the furniture in like 5 minutes.