
Can we all take a minute to acknowledge trailblazer Katy Perry for bisexualizing sexual harrassment? Another civil rights milestone!

She may have ended up with a different nickname other then what she got. People were also very cruel to anyone who looked middle eastern or wore a turban. I remember reading about the attacks on Sikh taxi drivers.

I don’t know the going rate, but if you assume $500/scene (which may well be $500/hour - or even $250/hour), that’s $12k for 24 scenes. I would assume that by the time Mia became a star, she was already done with the majority of her filming and never had a chance to increase her rate.

More about the 12 grand here:

This is exactly it. She did an *amazing* job at building her brand but really tries to downplay the role that sex work had in her success to a degree that’s frankly absurd.

A newer article from an interview with a porn star agent:

Mia Khalifa seems to get a lot of flak because she aggressively pushes a false narrative about the origin of her popularity. To hear her tell it, her current fame has nothing to do with her past sex work. The reality of course is that she (wisely) capitalized on that brief period in her life to earn money through

“despite the fact that Khalifa performed in but a handful of films, despite the fact that she says she was in the industry for “three or four” short months”

Male porn actors make even less.

How could she have done [insert sensationalistic description of a single sex act] for so little money? In this viewpoint, women in porn—and only women in porn—are permanently surrendering something of themselves. From this perspective, any dollar amount is shameful. It’s why the Twitter discourse and the mainstream

I 100% believe he was killed or “allowed” to kill himself. But this shit doesn’t even make sense. Why would anybody with the impetus and ability to remove him from prison want him walking around alive somewhere? Just to show they can? Because Alan Dershowitz haz a sad?

None of these people give a shit until it starts to impact their bottom line.  Ninja is no different. 

Note to the guards: Suicide watch does not mean, “watch someone commit suicide.”

How very convenient...

Private gun ownership is also not a guaranteed right in the constitution, the only guaranteed right is that states be able to form militias. It’s only in the last 30 years that the 2nd amendment has been interpreted the way we interpret it now, and it’s a fucking dumb way to interpret it in the context of when it was

What is that point? People aren’t upset because X people died in El Paso and Dayton, they’re upset because they were killed by heavily armed maniacs (that at least in one case was motivated by white supremacy and shithole president).

Yeah, with how dangerous cars can be, you’d think we’d make people register them, and get licenses to operate them, and prove they are competent to operate them, and even in a lot of states require inspections to ensure the cars are safe to be on the road.

This article was ghost written by Shep McCallister.

Also the top picture is winter and the bottom is summer. That is pretty damn dishonest. Good on you. You could’ve been a “journalist” for Gawker.

Tonight: Building the highway was racist, but tearing it down may be racist too, more at 11, back to you Aaron.