
No, you A-L-W-A-Y-S call the police first; before doing anything else. Produces immediate documentation of the time you called, whom you spoke with, and your immediate side of the story before a patrol officer arrives. This is in ANY situation with another party.

Plenty of us are well aware.  Just not enough yet.

And, with BMW eliminating dispsticks in favor of electronic level sensors in the late 2000s, the Germans have been able to turn around and play the same trick on many unsuspecting owners!

Trump being from New York would alone have disqualified him for Hank.

Just the way Stark talks to and treats General Ross tells me loud and clear he’d never vote for Cheetolini. He never bowed down in front of Thanos or the Black Order, either. Tony suffers no idiots or bullies. He appointed a woman to head his company, too, so yeah, Tony Stark would’ve voted for Hillary without

Neither Batman nor Stark ever would have voted for President Racist von Fuckup.

Oh, of course, a lesbian gay bisexual trans “queer” storyline, they’ll just get all of those in there, I’m sure.

“flawless" perhaps in that he isn't dead, but still mind-bendingly shit stupid. 

Honestly getting tired of this “representation” crap getting shoved down our throats lately. Years ago it was never important to know a characters sexuality, so why is it now? These movies should be about the overall story. Not worrying about pissing people off just because their sexual preference isn’t represented in

So some improvident lackwits on Twitter making some lazy connections counts as a story now?

Carol's straight, you desperate idiots. 

Did you read the full article? I didn’t read anywhere that she said she invented the hair bonnet as implied by this article. It sounds like she is selling a hair bonnet that is easier to wear (I guess she had problems figuring out how to tie a silk scarf around her head), and something she feels as more stylish than

This is an overly race-baity article about a clearly naive and sheltered woman who “discovered” a new product that criticizes her in a clearly racist way. Instead of being so smug, why not investigate why the white community is so unfamiliar with this product that they have no idea it has existed for hundreds of

I love the comments acting like this is somehow sticking it to men. Do these people not know how things work?

I read the linked article. It is worth mentioning that Mr. Harriot has conveniently finessed his use of citations to that piece.

That’s drinking the Apple Kool-Aid for you.

That’s drinking the Apple Kool-Aid for you.

Gorgeous... I mean I get that we all have different taste, but it’s a grey plastic wedge. 

Gorgeous... I mean I get that we all have different taste, but it’s a grey plastic wedge. 

Who the hell uses a trackpad on a desktop? People don’t even like using them on their laptops.

Who the hell uses a trackpad on a desktop? People don’t even like using them on their laptops.

sweet, cant wait to throw hundreds of billions down the drain on something pointless. No one ever asks how do we pay for this dumb crap but my god if we were to build high speed rail up/down the east and west coasts there would be riots in the streets. 

This shit is why our country is so far behind every other country in general quality of life.