
Aside from the glaring parts that make absolutely no goddamn sense even for Star Wars (Thrawn being in a completely different galaxy, Sabine being Ahsoka’s padawan despite the fact she isn’t Force sensitive and Ahsoka isn’t a Jedi, ect.) the show has been fun so far.

“We do not withhold possible matches from users,” the Hinge spokesperson said. “We want our users to match with the people they’re compatible with and delete our app.”

The statement that word-of-mouth from people who found relationships “is” more profitable than having continuing users isn’t a business claim, it’s branding.

Since, according to the article, Hinge or the parent company owns literally the majority of the dating sites minus two, I’d say they basically cornered the market.

I’ve tried the traditional way, but most fathers react poorly when I offer them three goats and an acre of land for their daughters.

Evolution didn’t make us that way. Get out there are find a mate the traditional way.

It’s more than just Hinge. I did some testing on Tinder and from what I can tell the people swiping right on your determines who Tinder gives you access to. For example if I start a new profile and someone swipes right on me I’ll be shown people who were swiped right on by people who swiped right on them. It’s an

Apps are awful because people are awful. We say one thing, we do something else. Studies have shown that the top 30% of users on dating apps are getting something like 90% of the swipes. If you’re not in that 30%, you’re basically setting money on fire every month because the chance of meeting someone is ridiculously

I remember the old OKC, but I was there when they first decided to implement attractiveness tiers (or whatever they called it) and I saw its effects first hand; both myself and my best friend were dating at the time, and he was deemed to be highly attractive (even got an email congratulating him on making the cut)

I miss the old OKC, where you could just filter down to what you’re looking for, and browse, had long form q+a, and was very poly friendly. (it’s now basically an even worse tinder).

This has all the hallmarks of when they tried to bring Red Dwarf to America. The producers and the writers they hired saw how popular it was over in the UK, and thought they could do it better. Then they ignored all the input from the creators and the pilot(s) were excruciatingly aweful.

Agreed. I’ll skip that episode. Utterly DESPISE musicals. The writers must be getting desperate for material.

Controversial take (without having seen it yet): this is dumb, doesn’t belong in Star Trek, and shouldn’t have been done.

Fuck this show .

So not even half-way through Season 2 and already jumping the shark?

Farming as a service model”?

Why does reading “Farming as a Service Model” make me really want to punch that fucker in the face?

Idiocy is a hallmark of this  White Trash Nazi family. Read up on Elon’s father. Talk about a TOTAL PIECE OF FILTH.  All of them. I hope they all drop dead today. The world would be a far better place when they are all FKN gone.

Jony Ive is a pompous hack with no ideas to improve a product. His sole mania was to delete usefulness. Oh... and “thinner,” even when the resulting product was defective, embarrassing trash. See the Apple “butterfly” keyboard.

Rounded the edges. Jacked up the price.