
Celebutard status..

I have and the poster is right. If you are in a busy restaurant table service should be a team activity.

I honestly wonder how many of these commenters are proxies paid by Epic.... and Steam to yell at each other?.


I’m calling you paranoid.

They need to have guns in the legislative offices and should also be drug tested in order to receive their legislative welfare benefits..

Pedantry will get you anywhere..

However, they quickly notice that this ship is filled with Ross Perot, Dan Quayle, Tonya Harding, Albert Sharpton, Courtney Love, Spike Lee, Tom Arnold, Pauly Shore, Rosie O’Donnell and Dr. Laura and the like

Someone who stands in line for Apple products.. ;)

Someone who stands in line for Apple products.. ;)

Oh, and you’re a “better driver” too..

Also there is a near constant high pitched drone whine at all times in the air. It took me a while to finally realize it was scooters.. everywhere.

It worked for Ivanka /shrug

The people that write articles for the ROOT are as racist as the fucking MAGA, Proud Boy asshats in the greys.

dumb asses..

If I remember correctly, the original kê-tsiap (ketchup) recipe was an anchovy sauce that found its way from Asia to Rome..

I’ve been considering this. Roughly $120 round trip..

Lead paint.. lathe and plaster walls mounted on chicken wire. On second thought, get a life.

Future pharmaceutical company CEO..

This needs to be ungrayed..NOW

On a somewhat related note. a bacon topped veggie burger is a thing of beauty..