Pips is amazing.
Pips is amazing.
They are definitely correct in thier assertions but their motivations are definitely disingenuous..
damn.. just damn.. ❤
That’s how they throw together melts in diner kitchens. You just need the griddle real-estate..
On a not-so-unrelated note. Buy a jar of fried shallots/garlic from an asian grocery. You will not be disappointed.
Plus, raw onions are snuck into EVERYTHING! 9/10 times every ingredient in the deli case ingredient list..except never the onion. WTF?!!
Bet we’ll see a Cassie Lang instead?.. ;)
Actually Quire and Kate Bishop are pretty good. The rest are trash.
Reading one of these comics is like watching through the ads on the Di$ney Channel..
I have a friend who does this to women. I am a guy and it creeps me out..
Why not use a Spotify ‘offline playlist?’ This device seems highly redundant.
Why not use a Spotify ‘offline playlist?’ This device seems highly redundant.
So...this is a remote control...for playing Spotify...though your phone?!!
So...this is a remote control...for playing Spotify...though your phone?!!
Yeah, neckbeards like this Wiki writer are the reason Rob Liefield became a thing.. =/
Nope. Squirrel Girl vs. Thanos is the ultimate Mary Sue..
Millenials ruined bookmarks.. =P
#basic “Ashley” is a recist b*tch?
It’s just racists yelling at racists.. =/