I had forgotten how ridiculously tiny the MIG-15 is... F86 isn’t much bigger. In comparison, these things are freaking gokarts with jet engines. How can anyone NOT think that’s awesomesauce?!
I had forgotten how ridiculously tiny the MIG-15 is... F86 isn’t much bigger. In comparison, these things are freaking gokarts with jet engines. How can anyone NOT think that’s awesomesauce?!
For some reason, my social media feeds lately have been filled with images of “Russia’s secret space shuttles” that…
I hope you can fully appreciate the irony here.
As someone who truly enjoys VW for giving me a solid driving dynamic and interior/exterior build quality I just can't seem to find from any other brand in my price range, it is incredibly frustrating to see how self-destructive VW (VWofA?) as a company is. Many VW fans will agree.
can we all agree that the sports car is largely extinct (beside a few exceptions) and that these are more properly considered "Sport Tourers" or GTs?
I enjoy this blog, but giving theories like this any credence without a shred of evidence is really disappointing. I won't be surprised now if there's a follow-on post with the "truth" about TWA 800.