
Except, when they don’t. I worked for Jewel and their union was fucking awful, useless and corrupt. In fact, I never came across a union that didn’t involve skilled labor to be worth a fucking shit. They take more money from you and you don’t get any real representation or benefits, just doing full-time work for

This video is worth watching just for the way the guy says “pool noodle.”

Nah, that’s reasonable — you can’t assume that everyone goes to lunch at the same time unless you’re working on an assembly line. Unless I know the people in the meeting (and when they normally break for lunch), I try to avoid at least 11:30 to 1pm, so I don’t look like a jerk. With that being said, sometimes that’s

Houston traffic in a stick isn’t fun anymore either.

You must not be from Austin. Austin’s cab situation is atrocious and very underserved. Good luck getting a cab to actually pick you up within an hour on a Friday or Saturday night.


Just because people want the Bern doesn’t mean it’s the best thing for them. :)

I’m baffled by the “I have never tried and never will” mindset. I get that alcohol is a dangerous drug when overused, and you saw what that looks like. But, historically it’s such an integral part of every agrarian culture in the world that I think it’s weird to never try. Prior to Islam, there wasn’t a place where

I’ll respect the hell out of anyone who gives up drinking. People who clearly bought into their high school health class about the dangers of drinking are tedious.

This comments section, in which everyone describes their own unique sleep habits in detail, is utterly fascinating. My favorite stories are the ones in which someone almost overslept, but didn’t. Incredible.

“Feel the Bern” is equally as bad advice.

I can handle whatever bullshit verbiage so long as I don’t have to manually type in all my job experience. God, that’s literally the worst thing about applying for jobs.

Pretty, in a ‘roadside-diner waitress’ kind of way. The SR-71 rocks it in the black gown-and-gloves fashion.

Although I agree with everything you said in principle, you might try switching to decaf buddy. Stress is the silent killer.

My days and my life started to get much more in order when I became serious about spending a little time every morning studying the Bible. I found a great starting place was to read a chapter of Proverbs (There are 31 chapters so just read the one for that day of the month). New things stand out every time I re-read

Some rules I use with my teams at work:

My first thought pretty much every morning:

Join the fucking military...worked for me.