
The problem with Finn’s characterisation in VIII is that Johnson doesn’t believe Finn has anything to say. Rose gives him a monologue about the evil of exploitation. DJ tells him to not care. What Finn has to say is immaterial in those scenes and, when he takes positive action, it’s undermined by Rose explaining to

Of course. They never should have hired Rian Johnson despite that fact that he is unquestionably a great writer and filmmaker. Wrong guy for the job, and the movie he made completely undercut TFA, which in turn resulted in TLJ being totally undercut by TROS. I hated how lowest common denominator-friendly and safe the

TLJ has the 3 main POC actors ultimately fuck up the rebels plan and be chastised for not trusting a rich/powerful older white woman. It's blatantly racist and arguably classist. It also completely failed to move forward with the hints from TFA that Finn had potential force awareness. Now sure Abrams not plotting out

Ironic really when it's the replacement director who cheated and was abusive and Snyder by most accounts is a good professional who just makes mediocre movies (aside from DOTD which is fantastic).

The corporeality idea is an interesting one as there’s so much marketing, PR, fashion and the artists themselves creating an image it’s no more real than e.g Star Trek. Also kinda funny to use Soccer fans and Star Wars fans as example that haven't been the focal point for moral panics when they have been and still are.

I’m not sure I agree that things like anorexia/bulemia can only be caused by the West”

If you’d like the last word/meme/gif just ask.

If you’d like the last word/meme/gif just ask.

Oh hi, Biff.

Flailing is making up adolescent gunfight analogies.

Nice phallic imagery. Hmm.

Understanding people make bad faith claims for evidence isn’t a lack of faith. You know this.

I know what a credible source is for me but that doesn't say what you consider to be a credible source. You know what bad faith requests for evidence look like. They dismiss the source given. That's the stalling tactic.

I made a claim and I’m happy to back it up.once you let me know what type of evidence will convince you. You’re more than familiar with bad faith requests for evidence that are then dismissed, you’ve seen people do it all the time.

“I mean, at this point you haven’t provided any sources, or even defined what “modern western values” means,”

What will be an acceptable level of source and reference for you to be persuaded anorexia and bulimia can be caused by modern western values?

Yeah exactly it definitely can be hilarious like the bit you quoted, even more so when it references the maladies that can be caused by the modern west.

Not edgy but very funny.

Some years ago I was lucky enough to see Nevermore, Jeffrey Coombs’ one-man-show about Edgar Allan Poe (on Halloween no less!). Coombs was brilliant in it of course, and Gordon was the original director and the guy who convinced Coombs to do it in the first place. He clearly had a ton of talent and skill, and also

Is it not that suburbia represents a culturally agreed upon norm for a family, one that’s frequently idealised? So there’s a lot of dramatic and thematic potential in subverting it. They aren’t saying “fuck you for living in suburbia” they’re saying that the aesthetics of idealised normality (nice house, front lawn