
If Airplane mode fails, you might get over the problem better in Spaceship mode... but don't listen to anyone who says submarine mode will help! IT DOESN'T WORK! (haha)

On Windows

"The new Titan project hopes to do an end-around on that issue by transferring some of the load cards?"

+1 for the song reference.

who said anything about Mac? Ubuntu for the win. And it has nothing to do with high end games running the best there — it's more to do with cash cows thinking they'll make more money if they sell on Windows than Linux.. which surprisingly is a questionable conclusion. On Humble Bundles, Linux users paid an average of

To quote one of the most annoying songs ever, and a song that seems to be used by every amatuer youtube video, "Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor." Question: Can we get that song banned yet? haha

Lubuntu is excellent for bringing underpowered hardware into a usable state. I'm currently running Ubuntu 11.10 beta on my 2008 netbook and it works great for me, but sometimes I do have to wait on the hardware to catch up with what I'm trying to do.

wow... haha, that would be a sad day. Over time, I think I've read every xkcd several times, but with the knowledge of the alt-text.

Look, everyone else here has devolved to complete nonsense. Here is a much more reasonable take on the matter. If you can justify getting an iPhone, you should go for the iPhone 4S. If your parents only talk and text, and occasionally browse the web/facebook... get them a dumbphone that will be simple for them to use

hardy har har. Ever heard of gedit? yes... lots of people use that these days. If I am editing in the terminal, I'll use Minimum Profit, thank you very much. haha, MP is so much less convoluted compared to nano or vi. I can't stand either of them, I don't care if they have a billion more features. If it doesn't make

This was a miserable excuse for funny. Running really slow was acceptable. I have *NEVER* been unable to open a folder. Maybe I couldn't connect to a server, but I could open my folders. Documents are frozen? how can a document freeze? Oh, your application froze? That might work. "Locked out" and "Logged out" are

No voice mails. Don't do it. It'll be a minimum of six to eight months before I check it, probably a year. I wish they were illegal. If you want to leave me a voice message, do it.

The way it works is it just extracts the text and images from the pdf and throws them into an ebook file, so the text and images flow to the screen and you can resize the fonts and other nifty tricks, but it can mess up the formatting sometimes and occasionally lose an image here or there, but it works well for the

he just wanted to have his comment about the touchpad be in the 'featured' thread.. he didn't actually care that it was off topic.

I love how people openly discuss being thieves here on the internet. So your local restaurant offers free mints. It doesn't mean you can pour the bucket into your bag and walk out. It means you take one or two. People who are like this are the reason we can't have nice things.

Yes, because having cuss words in the title of an article is really professional. It makes me think I'm reading a middle schooler's blog. If that's the only word you can come up with to express your thoughts, you need a thesaurus I think. Try this: a "smuggler's load" of kindles, or "Amazon is going to nuke the Nook",

WITN? just wondering... haha, but there have been virtually no articles over the past two days, so I guess they had to post something.

"The entertainment bridge is a Wi-Fi receiver, which connects to your Wi-Fi router and offers four Ethernet teats for your non-Ethernet-enabled devices to suck on." Perhaps you mean non-Wifi-enabled?

How is that sort of? it sounded like the real deal..

Just run it in a virtual machine. Its an excellent, hassle free way of testing it. Download VirtualBox, its easy peasy. But, why anyone would want Windows 8 is beyond me now that Microsoft has committed the awful sin of requiring all metro apps to be sold through the app store. They want to get a 30% cut on EVERY.