
Wow.. paranoid much? this applies to every app that seeks accessibility privileges. This app has no internet access privilege, therefore it couldn't deliver the data even if it wanted to be malicious. Stay calm.

it's not a big jump every two years, it's saying that on average over a two year time span, things get significantly better... it's a continuous process.

Precisely.. this article starts off by saying Windows is great, which automatically discredits the whole thing.

also, LTS traditionally means "no new features" since the entire point is stability, and new features are the antithesis of stability... the whole article reads as if new features are a staple of stability.

Summary of the Article: Rather than risking the unlikely failure of an SD card, make sure to buy several so you can keep most of them removed from the camera to ensure that they can be properly crushed into a thousand pieces, snapped in half, sweated into salty malfunction, or otherwise rendered certainly destroyed or

Linux naturally caches files in whatever RAM is currently unused and then quickly hands the RAM back over to needy applications. I've got 16GB of RAM primarily for virtualization purposes, but when I'm not virtualizing, it takes performance beyond levels that my SSD alone can provide.

Just because you can get the same features.... mostly.... for less and be able to get the "same stuff" done... it's really better. The laptops are thinner, lighter, and more importantly, their battery life is substantially longer, and the screens are much higher quality, as well as the trackpads are extremely

it seemed.... slow.

yeah.. the user agreement is a nonstarter. This article could have been one sentence long.

You make it sound so difficult... it really isn't. And doing the research needed to build a computer is very educational and makes the user a better user because of it. Everyone surely has at least one friend who has built a computer that can help them if they need the help.

the manufacturer still has to pay for it, even at a discount. If you handle your money right, you can usually get a computer that's just as good, but it's the way you like it... even with a windows license. If you're extra smart, you'll just put Ubuntu on it and dedicate that Windows money to better hardware. Paying

Build it. BUT WAIT. How? you ask? Look into AMD's Fusion processors and motherboards. You'll get a good processor with a good graphics chip and a good motherboard (with HDMI and USB3.0 if you get the right one) and they're inexpensive and power efficient. Good stuff all around. I built one for a friend, and he was

doing stuff on minimalistic Linuxes like Puppy and DSL beyond basic stuff is not very easy, to be precise.

If you boot into the Ubuntu Live CD, gparted (the partition editor) can shrink, move and grow partitions pretty well.. but moving a partition does take awhile, depending on the size. So, be prepared for that.

It's not very easy. I'd recommend checking out Lubuntu. It's got pretty much all the awesome features of Ubuntu because it is an official derivative, and it uses 98MB of RAM when booted up on my netbook. The browser uses more memory than the OS! you can't beat that very easily.. at least not without sacrificing

@Eclipse Supposedly switchable graphics is possible, though it requires logging out and back in.

Working with Linux is not a hefty undertaking... just download a friendly copy of Ubuntu and it'll handle the repartitioning and the setup. Sooo difficult. Well, on 95% of systems. And... oh no... you might have to install... a GRAPHICS DRIVER!! The shock.. and horror. But, in all seriousness, nothing hefty about the

he was referring to the on screen keyboard..

Oh, I installed it alright. It just didn't work nearly as well as the built in voice actions, in my opinion, and was somewhat less accurate at interpretation (surprisingly)

doing 50% gives you the most 'percentage points' (pp) of use... as strange as that unit is.