
why is this news? And is this a gizmo..? *confused*

$0.35? And it can reach all the way from your home to your office? Woah. I think this is a great business venture, make an ISP that serves internet through multi-mile long crossover cables that only cost $0.35!

he was not suggesting streaming... he was suggesting wifi sync. Very different. And the point of streaming is that you _cannot_ listen to 18,000 songs in any reasonable amount of songs, so you will have only a few you need at any point in time, and those can be cached. If you do need one of your other 17,000 songs,

Step Zero: Get Ubuntu for your PC.

a MacBook as the stock image. Really???? Gizmodo. You have officially failed.

What on earth are you talking about? This is just a crappy random plug for an app. iSwifter's ENTIRE reason for existing is to play flash games. then they figured out it would be good for movie playback too. So, this is one of those 'duh' moments. You mean the flash-game-player-app can play flash games?!? woah. I

if not, this is a +100 to GIMP

"As CENT notes..." umm... CENT... really? I think CNET is the name. :P

The Kindle is the best. Widest selection of books, inexpensive, and it can surf the internet for free on AT&T's 3G... in addition to all the games you can download.

interoperability? you mean their *broken* support for ODT in office? It cripples the ODT format so that its unattractive to businesses, when really its quite a mature format. Microsoft's advances in security. Let's review: millions of viruses for Windows. Viruses for Mac and Ubuntu? nope... not really. Unless you're