
I wouldn't agree with this entirely.

People think the big names make the cards high end. But there are a tonne of younger fighters coming through the ranks that are outstanding fighters who have dedicated their lives to the sport. The bad thing is that there are so many of these younger guys coming through that it

You missed the point.....why should a kid from Cameroon expect mass hate for supporting a Portuguese footballer?

That makes NO sense whatsoever.

The kid is from Cameroon, growing up he probably watched a lot of football and like many millions of kids idolized Christiano dare he tweet something about an idol!!!

So essentially telling a African "you're a poor black man, show show respect" isn't racist anymore??

How ignorant are you sir?

Wrong....Football in Australia now too.

Lets get it going to penalties dives too.

Why? There was two potential scoring instances in the play, the replay showed both.

People will say nobody but LeBron showed up for Miami...I'll say that probably comes down to LeBron trying to take over and essentially stifling any impact Wade, Bosh and even Allen could potentially have on the game.

Its shows the drawbacks of relying too heavily on a few big names instead of an entire team.

You can have fun without such loud obnoxiousness.

Eaten alive is preferable to being deafened I would say.

Its settled...I'm never watching soccer in Latin America.

Fuck. That.

I love people who comment of women they would and wouldn't turn they would ever be in the situation to do so.

I'm surprised it was a second ball thrown to him and not a beer.

I'm pretty sure all these kids want to do is attempt to look like bad asses.


Ahh yeah, that was during the era when every player and team were going overboard with their post try celebrations.

I remember Andrew Johns smoking the balls like a cone....brilliant.

The hero goalie that comes in at the end to spout shit at the ballboy is what boils my blood.

I'm pretty sure football is comfortable with where they are with people following their game.

Of course the other owners support any action taken.

They are the vultures getting ready to pick at the Clippers carcass once it becomes clear Sterling won't sell and all the players begin jumping ship.

Yeah...its absolute madness that a massive company like Microsoft could allocate resources to multiple ventures. Thats completely unheard of!