Its EXACTLY like the tendering process.
If you’ve ever worked in a business that requires you to pitch your idea even before you’re hired than you know how much work you need to do on your own dime to even get the job.
Its EXACTLY like the tendering process.
If you’ve ever worked in a business that requires you to pitch your idea even before you’re hired than you know how much work you need to do on your own dime to even get the job.
Even if they did sell a book of the submitted drawings as long as you tell the kids beforehand that if their drawings are included in the book they too will get a free drink and if it’s not included than, no drink.
If they’re upfront about how its carried out its fine.
As other have said, if people don’t want to…
Yep, no matter how much you drill into kids about putting away after themselves there will always be random things in random places.
Its easier to just shake your head and move on.
This coming after this weekend after seeing the outline of a news paper spray painted on carpet in one childs room. She was adamant she put…
Kids + Indoor pet = Couldn’t give a fuck!
Once you have kids the dream of keeping floors clean and without scratches is over.
What’s this Kotaku complaining about pre-orders again??? Well who woulda seen this coming?
Without question...Dune 2000
And the government created aids and diabetes to control the black population....take you tin foil hat off and just let the dude buy and own something he’s into without trying to make shame him.
Yeah patient gamers save money.....yet play games a year after everyone else have played through them.
I’d much rather spend a few extra bucks and play them when they are still relevant.
The TSA at their Area 51 terminal are rather partial to anal probing.
She was actually.
She replied that she feels each of them should be addressed case-by-case to determine if they had unfair advantages.
You’ve never actually played a contact sport before have you?
He was going for the ball....thats why his legs are pushing.
Horford was holding his shoulder and pushing him back and down. Its clear, but hey let any bias you have cloud the view, what do I care.
For their landlords sake....I sure hope they aren’t renting.
So Horfords two hands pushing him towards isn’t a contribution factor to Dellavedova falling and making contact?
Dive on ball...roll to put your body between the ball and opposition player. That is textbook hustle.
Title should read “Over sensitive guy is a jerk to someone having fun plying a video game”
If Darkside management had any kind of common sense they would have had a perctange of their employees still continuing on contracted out-sourced work. Did they have work lined up for when the Phantom Dust job was finished? Or were they just going to hope MS threw them another bone?
Pretty short-sighted vision…
I see these wrestling posts and it makes me want to watch it and get back into it so badly....I just don't have the time to do it.
I'm sorry man, but your entire story tells of your own failings rather than the women being 'blamed' here. You just seem to have been scorned by the situation rather than learning from it.
We've all been 'used' by a woman before, yet it seems like you've taken this as a personal attack on behalf of all women. Let the…