
I think you are greatly under-estimating the proficiency of black-belt Olympic level judo.

She isn't approaching in a full stand up position. She is attaching knee and waist height, he is conditioned to punching a person at his same level so any height and angle change unless he's worked on punching a shooting attacker

IF they did fight shes a smart enough fighter to not stand and trade punches. She'd keep her distance and shoot in for a takedown. Much the same way she approaches most fights anyway.

I've seen enough boxer vs judo fights to know that the instant that fight hits the ground it is over. He either taps or gets choked out

Something something something Obama!

Yep...comedic gold.

If kids start wearing these for no reason like the stupid arm sleeves I'm leaving this planet for good.

You've been shot down be way too many girls my friend.

Time to start hitting on the complete gutter trash to build you confidence up.

Charge or no excuse for a coach to act like that with 10 seconds left and down by two.

Finish the game then go on a tirade. Don't ruin it for the kids that fought so hard for 39 minutes and 50 seconds. Total dick move.

Ah Deadspin....the only one that really cares about this bear.
Don't worry guys the Olympics is over you don't need to talk about it again.

Alright it was a horrible card....and yet the company did what it does exceptionally well. Sold it to the public in a big way.

Make no mistake, the UFC is where it is not because of its fighters but because it has outstanding marketing. You compare it to the WWE, which is perfect, because the WWE does exactly the same

In the Winter Olympics world hot-dogging and losing is called "Doing a Jacobellis"

Can safely say that the Australian facebook mentions of figure skating were not of a positive nature.

Damn! Greg Oden is looking great!

Obviously you read found mine.

Ahhh over opinionated nerds.

How dare a woman you don't like talk about things you do like!

Good point.
Still 40kgs on an oddly shaped item is not cake walk either.

ps. they may claim that weight...but in reality it would be heavier

True, and lets be honest even if the engine was small enough life carry it would still be upwards of 100kgs. This thing would essentially be a solid block of metal.

This guy wouldn't be capable of lifting that weight. To be fair though they could have had the engine mounted on a support pole and photoshopped the pole

I can't take anyone seriously when they only have 381 followers and have tweeted 53,000 times.

"It can discern the difference between animals and humans"

People trying to be deep and insightful grinds my gears like nothing else.

That second video made me like this kid.

He could have crushed that girl yet engineered his bet to get her a tie and essentially gift her money. Thumbs up guy!

Well I guess the designers at Ed Hardy had to go somewhere after that company went belly up.