

People need to grasp the concept the cartoon was made purely to sell toys. Tell anyone that complains about how the new Transformers movies have murdered their childhood to go back now and watch the original episodes and see how utterly terrible they were.

People thought Labouf was bad.....try sitting through a

Thank you for YOUR opinion.

Judging by record sales and award voting I dare say there are a few people out there that have opposing opinions. Are they all wrong because they like something you don't?

And because he is a skinny white guy his music can't be more than 'just music'?

The fact people get so emotional over wrestling is a testament to how well it is made and marketed.

Nobody is questioning its fake and scripted, but its driven in such a way that its compelling to so many people.

haha sorry dude I really have read none of your posts.

I should, you probably make some valid points....but you know the whole TL:DR dealeo.

Aren't willing to accept other points of view = close minded

Keep living that close minded 'merican dream.

He'll be dead soon.

Australia/Rest of the World.

Your forcing a racial context on a word that doesn't have one anywhere else on the planet is an issue.

Once again...not just usage in Australia....usage in every country besides America. Make no mistake, your racial use of thug makes you are in the minority in this discussion.

No....its quite the opposite.
The rest of the world doesn't associate the word thug with angry black guy. So maybe your American culture is the one that needs to take time out to reflect on how wrong they have it.

If understanding that the rest of world uses the word thug freely without any hint of racism and sees a

Actually...if you didn't know the name Richard Sherman you wouldn't even know this was about American football. That context is not very well established.

And yes, feel free to weigh in on Australian/Aboriginal issues, as a country we aren't too blind to see others points of view and we actually welcome it.

On that we can agree. That guy was/is a cunt.

But it does.

If you define a words as racist in your country it has flow on effects elsewhere,

A thug is a thug no matter what the 'edict'

If you choose to alter its definition based on when and where you use the word thats your choice, don't expect others to simply follow suit.

Well it seems ridiculous to have to point out that the internet is global.

By not inferring that the usage of thug is only a racial slur in your country (I think you'll find that no other country makes the thug=black connection) now indicates that if any other country uses it they are themselves racist.

And you are

We here in Australia use the word thug all the time....about white guys. Try not to push race onto a word that is used universally just to make its usage more sensational.

Zero problem with Sherman. The guy was pumped from winning and I don't blame the guy from bringing his trash talking off the field.

Erin Andrews didn't look scared...she was confused and had no idea how to approach the interview.

Its that kind of over-reaction chest beating that is driving a lot of people away from the game.

Are kids being taught to carry on like assholes and front up to people to prove they are badass? Just accept the call and behave like a professional sports person.

So so true.

You can blame a coach as much as you like for not subbing correctly, running terrible plays and just horrible tactics. But stats don't lie about how god awful players perform, in the worst program on the planet even the teams best starters should put up numbers in their fields. A coach can't take the court

I have to wonder why the producers are so obvious in their selection of people. EVERYONE has a custom t-shirt. Surely there is at least 1 normally dress person there that has some kind of appealing personality.

Where I enjoy how you've worked the system, and obviously had a ball doing so. The negative jerk in me would