
And just his obsession with costumes

The cast, the writing… it all kind of sneaks up on you.

Mad Men's Mr Potato Head

Snorting coke off Ronnie and Nancy's portrait? C'mon!!!

"Call your landlords, hide your drugs, flush your fish." The kind of sacrifices that must be made in the name of art…


I get a really nice, muted, Kimmy Schmidt vibe from Alison Brie at times in this.

That may be a universal…

Have you got an HDMI cable?

Yeah the 'human battery' idea always struck me as pointless and inefficient. Surely an all-powerful conspiracy could come up with a better technology. Actually hang on….

But he's getting anustart…

"You're obviously not concerned that you're boring"

Why didn't you say so?

With apologies to @George_Liquor:disqus, who posted this upthread:

I hope they are.

I know it's not a common reading, but I can definitely picture an opening scene for the next season with BoJack tearing off his sweater and stampeding through the desert with his newfound friends (in Australia we say a 'mob' of wild horses), who know absolutely nothing about Horsin' Around and never mention it, and


I think he/she meant excistated.

OK, I'm making an executive call here; BoJack Horseman Season 4 comments will be a gut-punch-free zone.

Exactly Ana's point..