
Has anyone mentioned: "We're making amends, assholes!"?

And I just realised it underlined Mr Peanutbutter's seemingly careless comment in the previous episode that 'none of this matters'. I knew there was something significant about that line.

They sure did; take a look at the title screenshot at the top of this article.

I haven't seen Horace and Pete yet, but I'll give ya Louie.

Ah yes, addiction: when you can stop you don't want to, then when you want to…

Ah, my gosh, I just realised that's an architecture joke!!

Yes but I found it interesting we never see her with this entourage of flatterers. She's always alone or with BoJack in the scenes I can recall (plus backstage with her PA). It underscores for me the profound loneliness of these characters.

It really is.

"Becomes more alone" - exactly. And the opening credits reflect that, as the season comes to an end.

I hear 'he's a goooood dog' instead of 'he's a dirty dog.'

I guess so, but as other commenters have added above, that's hardly the height of thespianism. Maybe this is just my snobbery, but the Horsin' Around I see in the clips is poorly written, badly acted, unoriginal, unfunny and universally derided by critics and the industry.

Yes! Thank you! BoJack did something he knew would hurt Todd, and that is the problem.

Mr PB walking away after gleefully exclaiming 'none of this matters!' worked for me.

OK, 'next-to-talentless'.. He's had one or two moments of good acting coaxed out of him but his entire career is based on one role that required zero acting.

"… it's BoJack, by the way."
"Horseman.. obviously."

Go team 'Mulatto Butts'!

That would be a tragedy!

So many great gags at the party

Also: ¿Porque no los dos?

Now you're talking!