
Actually the Spanish pronunciation is 'heef'

Damn, but these comments (and reviews) are awesome.

Yes. In the show, he actually did.

He basically agreed with her..

- But this place basically runs itself…
- Well, a-my wife, my kids, and a-my therapy-man, they not agree so much.
- See, even his wife, his kids and his therapy-man agree!

Even a Grammar Nazi like me has to agree with that.

OK just because I haven't seen it quoted anywhere else; from season one:


Who are these Clooneys, Pitts, Damons and DiCaprios you speak of? Those are not real names!

While we're discussing Mister Peanutbutter's name, is it just too obvious to mention, or is it just my solitary theory - that the Peanutbutter bit refers to… you know… the Urban Legend… about the dog… and the girl… and the peanut butter… and the surprise party…

That means BoJack should have gotten that thing Peter Potamus sent him!

Was anyone else wondering during the limo scene, "Have any of you people even seen a chicken?"

I just want to throw in how much I enjoyed Roger Sterling's therapy sessions.

I liked his 'gloves that look like my hands' too. "Ow! That's actually my hand. That's actually my hand!"

Yes that's what I thought too, until I was actually in his position and said exactly that.. Then it turns out a man can come under fire for not expressing his feelings and desires (even if he actally has, because his only concern is supporting his partner's choice). So that caught me by surprise. Not all women are


"Oh no, we said different things!"

Not with that attitude!

"My time up there" has my head spinning. Don't spoil it, I think I'm enjoying it.