
What about Cheryl's camel toe?

I was getting worried last week, but just when I thought I was out….

No way, best line was "Thoreau was a fuckin' idiot!"

Did anyone else hate the 'speaking in a clown mask' sound effect? It sounded more like it had been recorded in a steel ship's hold. Or at best, maybe like it would have sounded inside the mask..

Shi-Ron! Tee-Shee!
Shi-Ron! Tee Shee!

"..right on the sandwich!"


"C-list C-word."

Yeah I heard it as "question my gay."

Umm, how could The Figgis Agency not cock up like that?

..and usually cross-dressing. So big hopes here for Part 2.

Well where I come from it's "horse's doovers."

Harry Crane, for the first time I can recall, gets line of the episode:

Reeeeally late to this particular party… but surely "I forgive you" isn't something you volunteer unless there is some kind of contrition or apology first??

Yeah, bitch!!

I would do that for free

Gimme Jimmy!

And right there is the entire difference between plot-driven and character-driven.

Yes Jimmy can probably wriggle out from under Chuck's thumb by calling his mental competence into question, but we've been shown again and again the lengths Jimmy will go to, to avoid doing exactly that.

Or, "..are we still…?"