
Oh, and he's got a frickin' gold machine gun!!!

"I don't drive a cab, supersleuth"

Notice his line in last week's ep, something like "Imagine knowing when you're gonna die… or even if!"

- How did they die?
- Oh, different ways..

How could you forget the Pelé of Anal?

Mawp. Mawp mawp.

"Next episode: Pam humps a hoagie."

Not that I'm accusing you of the same type of squeamishness, but I got heartily sick of people complaining that Breaking Bad got so deprassing after about S4. That was kinda the point, that we were compelled to watch the slo-mo train wreck of Walter White's life play out.

I also appreciated the fact it aired during 'Diagnosis: Murder', considering the circumstances at the time.

Yeah I had a good look on re-watching and I couldn't be sure, but it didn't look like her in the radiology-booth-thing..

But losing Chuck will break Jimmy's heart, in spite of everything.

"I'm going to be underwhelmed with whatever comes from this next season."

Another late observation: as season 2 concludes we have come full circle to Howard's statement in the very first episode:

…and then Kim could turn out to be a man, and the alien mothership lands and takes Chuck away to the planet Zorb, and Gus Fring is revealed to be Ernie's clone, and then Mike and Price become lovers, and then Jimmy shoots Nacho in the face for dissing his suits, then Howard transforms into a massive truck with laser

You're not… I have had so many theories upended by this show that I really don't try to anticipate any more. I still love to speculate but it's only for my own amusement or to try to delve a little deeper into the characters. There was definitely something off about that scene though, perhaps some commenters are right

I get what you are saying, but consider that Chuck has not attended a client meeting for over a year. So there have obviously been other pressing matters he has not dealt with personally. He chooses to attend this meeting (where I agree he was persuasive and effective) the moment Howard implies Jimmy is involved.

I give up

Yes and as @yewsurname:disqus points out, Chuck has been enabled all along the way.

If it's too slow for you, don't watch it. In fact, if you've just read all these comments, why would you even consider it now that it's so completely spoiled for you?

I'm pretty sure that is absolutely everyone's favourite Hank moment. That's how awesome these shows are, when a throwaway bit of character business becomes infinitely quotable and somehow significant.