
That's brilliant. The love/hate angle not only drives their whole dynamic but also makes them both so vulnerable. I said elsewhere: if Jimmy drops his loyalty to Chuck, he'll have lost one of his greatest weaknesses, and be a huge step closer to Saul…

Yes, and 'Gimme Jimmy' is probably the only 'lawyer's slogan' (if that can be thought of as a thing) worse than 'Better Call Saul.'*

Heheh, 'chortling.' The perfect image!

Umm, lying to Jimmy about supporting him with HHM… finagling the Sandpiper case away from Jimmy when he tried to ensure Jimmy wouldn't be able to work on his own case… misrepresenting his competency with Mesa Verde… selectively remembering Jimmy as the cause of their father's business downfall (and by implication his

The whole point is that it *was* an option for Chuck to take no action re: Mesa Verde, just as it was an option for Jimmy to refrain from doctoring the paperwork to get the account back for Kim. These are choices being made by the characters, and the consequences of those choices are what make the story interesting.

I'll add another Jimmy/Chuck dichotomy I haven't seen mentioned anywhere else.. In the complexity of their characters, one thing that stands out for me is that Chuck is cowardly, and Jimmy is instinctively brave.

I think that will be what S3 is all about, how Jimmy avoids disbarment and the price that exacts from everyone along the way. It would be out of character for Chuck to lay an ultimatum on Jimmy though - it will be a lot more complicated than that.

Unfortunately, now Chuck can deduce that Ernie lied to him. Chuck's vindictive streak won't just let that slide. Poor old Copy Guy Lance is in for a few tough questions too…

"It won't open because it's a security door"

I'm sure he/she is used to it by now

You really want a Jesus nobody's gonna fuck with.


I know right? He's on my list for sure.

Ha! Just realised they use a dolly to move the dentist chairs :)

I just noticed this classic-Archer line: "Can't imagine what it would be like to know when you're gonna die.. or even if!"

However it got there, I still love it. Let's not rule out Kreiger or Ray..

But why don't you just - ah, never mind..

..and abject terror.

Rowan Atkinson as Mr Bean?

Why does KFC come in a bucket?