
Phrasing! Boom!

You betcha. Was hoping someone had mentioned the great Bob.

Powering through myself, has Lana gotten blacker recently? Put S7 Lana side-by-side with S1 Lana..

[Deleted for posting fail]


~You're getting likes for this from every Archer character there is, even Rando..

She and Old Spice are doing really great, living in some billionaire's mansion.

Pretty sure 'octoroon' is unambiguously racist. But, yeah, depicting racism is not racist.

And every other conceivable homophobic comment, ever.

Na just skiing. But I'm sure Archer could see that as pretty gay if he was in the right frame of mind.

It just might be the best episode yet, in a lot of ways. It had an uncompromising seriousness to it, along with the expected rapid-fire jokes, thrown away one after the other. I mean, the vagina pass scene? Who thinks of this stuff? It makes no sense at all, contributes virtually nothing to the plot, but it's just

Ripley FTW. "Not bad…. for a human"

I would illegally download that

I'm sure I'm not the first to say it, but:

Who else cold play Patrick Bateman?

"Apes don't read philosophy"

So we've got: 'BI-athlon is gay,' 'Ray is gay,' and 'Ray was a (gay) Olympian.' Was there more?

Very dark, very funny episode.

On their whaaaaats?

Like these reviews keep saying, 'show, don't tell.'