
I'm with you there, Chuck's and Nacho's conclusions were perfectly reasonable to me too.

Hope he can hold his nerve now the situation has escalated. No offence to the fine profession of copier guy, but Lance didn't come across as the sharpest tool in the shed. I kept waiting for him to say 'look, dude, I haven't seen your brother!'

Even truer

OK OK I get it guys, time to continue my re-reading of all Vonnegut's books. There's so many of them and they all tend to blur into one. He shoulda called them all 'The one where [x].'

Now we all know how to respond in such a situation: call it in and keeeeeeep driving

Couldn't take my eyes off him. Pitch-perfect

Shee-yit is Jimmy's new commercial about Sandpiper? Is it even possible for him to poach the case from the other firms?

All Hail Pimento, the Caviar of the South.

Re-watching for a third time, I finally realised what a fine understated performance Bob Odenkirk was giving through those Mesa Verde scenes with Kim and Chuck. His uneasy, terrified insincerity is palpable, but betrayed with so little effort. His stance, his haunted expression, that pregnant moment after Chuck

So, let's talk about the spinning: the animation might have been great but I was way more impressed by the complete and utter lack of respect shown to Mallory by all three of them.. especially.. especially.. especially Cheryl, Pam AND Ray.

But I would pronounce it chauff-urze not chauff-yoose

"Though it does come up more often than one would think…"

There's a huge psychological difference between cheap and free, apparently.

He would have been nervous as hell. No doubt that it was one of the biggest moments in his life.

Yes I love it. That was the first time I ever saw her and it was a great first impression!

Not to mention the wibbly-wobbly funk-dancin' inflatable hero of Inflatable

Not Mike's car bud

Doubled down FTW!

The Silent Killer!

Liked for the contact high