Mirror Universe Trump

Yes. Because reasons.

The Rhino is on my bowling team. He was...really upset about all of this.

Hey, while you’re missing one of the main points of a franchise, do you want to say some racist or homophobic shit while claiming to be a X-Men fan also?

Say Pollyanna more.

Ah, now it makes sense, you have no idea what is going on.

Nazi on a bus? Check.

Shitkickers want to be called Sons of the Soil, too, but that’s not happening.

sweetheart look around. It’s ALL about race.

It’s insane that we even have to discuss a President and his Press Secretary being so petty and unprofessional. I’m sure W was pissed at people protesting him, but he was not a braying moron like Trump.

“Were there nazis in the street in the 1970s? 1980s?”

It’s fine for you to call for them to be fired; it’s not fine for government officials to do so.

Let’s call them racist, chauvinist, nationalist pigs screaming of a socialist conspiracy. And don’t forget even Nazis believed in universal healthcare and infrastructural investments instead of privatisation.

forget it...its kinjatown.

YOU are part of the problem if you are too blind to see it.

He needed to do something for all the crybabies who were burning their MAGA hats after meeting w/Pelosi and Schumer. I’m sure they fucking LOVE this shit.

Fuck off. Just fuck right off.

Which president is calling for the jobs of conservatives voicing their opinions? Because that’s the issue here. That is blatant violation of the first amendment. It doesn’t get much more obvious than that.

Cool, cool, blame us for the bigots. Sure.

Yeah, I live near a major University that is known for extreme political apathy. The student body leans to the right and doesn’t protest anything. Yianoppolous could come give a speech and a handful of losers would come listen but no one else would care. He’s never come here to talk.

and his twitter account