
This is why so many conservatives are paranoid and obsessed with liberal media conspiracies, because they are obsessed with crafting conservative media conspiracies and will do so at their first opportunity. Their narcissism only compounds the problem because they can’t comprehend people not acting exactly like them.

Teachers are expected to pay for their own pencils and staples, but now school districts should cough up a few hundred grand each year for a security force?

But prior EPA administrator Christine Todd Whitman and members of Congress have repeatedly questioned Pruitt’s security measures, which included hiring a dozen new guards at a reported cost of $103,000-$162,000 salary apiece and biometric locks for his office.

Good for you and your company, but tens of thousands of people fly coach every day and live. The Party of Fiscal Responsibility should get over themselves.

Is your company funded with taxpayer dollars?

Dear god whoever is going on that stream tomorrow is going up against a firing squad.

Don’t get mid-range phones. I say get last year’s “flagship” phone if you want something up to day and top notch. They normally trounce mid-range device, and if you use some of the cellphone selling sites (ebay, swappa), you can get them pretty “cheap”.

Prediction. Kylo decides not to kill mom, then suffers as First Order finishes her anyway and he’s powerless to stop it.

If anyone actually thinks rey is going to go darkside they need to lay off the paint chips, Disney doesn’t have the balls to pull that off.

The lightsaber effects look off somehow and the gorilla AT-ATs are dumb as hell. Sorry, guys, even as a first-gen Star Wars fan, I’m finding it hard to get excited. Knowing we’re getting stuck with Abrams again for the next one helps temper any enthusiasm, too. I will see it, sure, but TFA did nothing for me in the

I would give Disney so much props if Rey joined Kylo and Luke had to kill them both. That would honestly be amazing.

i’m kinda in the same boat. i started with one character and slowly leveled them up to 300, then i figured i’d start another and that went even faster, then i started a 3rd and that went even faster than the 2nd. now i have 3 characters near 305 and not much reason to keep playing. at least shadow of war comes out

Not to be a downer but iron banner with no level advantages in the same game mode and on the same maps as we already have. What is the point of that? Don’t get me wrong, those armor sets look sick but I have a hunter, titan, and warlock all above or at 300 power and with the mod cap being 305, I’m kinda bummed that

It is standard cult-like behavior. Convince your people to completely distrust anyone that might counter you or point out your bullshit.

I swear Trump could walk up to a WWII vet, punch him in the face while wiping his ass with an American flag and screaming “im a liberal and I love gays and abortion” all on live TV, then the next day go on Fox and Friends and say “I never did that” and his stupid fuck supporters (and the people in Fox) would say “see

we have to get away from bringing up What if Hil/Obama had done this.

Then why aren’t we?? Same thing was said about Melania’s choice of where to live at our expense. Why aren’t we demanding as much as Faux news fans would???

I’ve always joked that what we need isn’t voter ID laws but, instead, voter IQ laws. After this election, that joke isn’t that funny anymore.

Republicans shouldn’t be allowed to vote after this.

The man has to meet his handler. How else do you expect Trump to get his marching orders from his boss, Putin?