
Dear god whoever is going on that stream tomorrow is going up against a firing squad.

i’m kinda in the same boat. i started with one character and slowly leveled them up to 300, then i figured i’d start another and that went even faster, then i started a 3rd and that went even faster than the 2nd. now i have 3 characters near 305 and not much reason to keep playing. at least shadow of war comes out

Not to be a downer but iron banner with no level advantages in the same game mode and on the same maps as we already have. What is the point of that? Don’t get me wrong, those armor sets look sick but I have a hunter, titan, and warlock all above or at 300 power and with the mod cap being 305, I’m kinda bummed that

Dragging them isn’t the proper response, however. The fact is, the pay to work with children needs to be high, so credentials & background checks, & constant accountability can be justified. Right now, pay for working around kids is abysmal, yet the very parents who hate being around their own kids themselves, are

I don’t know which I like more:

Translated for Trump supporter’s:

Yeah. He was bat boy for Russia in the 88 Olympics.

This is called a code of conduct, and good sportsmanship.

“Guardians make their own fate.”

Love the VoG sets. “I’m a vex time lord now PEW PEW PEW!”