code name v

You know, it’s just unfair. I hate to use this phrasing but it is UNFAIR that we have to be scared all the time. It’s unfair and I’m tired of having to always be scared. Leaving the house? Be careful, there are men who want to kidnap and rape/torture/kill you. At work? Be careful, there are men who want to show

According to one of the writers of the article more women have come forward via email to tell their stories and now Mark Harris said there are (that he knows of) seven more stories being worked on right now concerning other people. Also, it’s interesting that all the men in the news media who have been outed as sexual

Congratulations, you have contributed to why people don’t come forward!

One fun context clue to figure out if this question wasn’t appropriate is that the woman who was asked the question is saying that it wasn’t appropriate.

how many motherfuckers have dads who will take a kamehameha for them

I got into DBZ back when it appeared on Toonami, and the late 90's. By then I was a freshman in college and was familiar with anime. I didnt know what to make of it at first since the dub Cartoon Network had was super sanitized, but when they got around to fighting it could get intense. So I gave it a chance and and

Without going into too much detail, that exact behavior got two editors and a reporter fired from my old shitty local daily, and as far as I know they never found work in the industry again. That was a publication with a readership of maybe 10,000. You’d think a leading media group would have at least comparable

The odd reaction is rooted in two things: 1) good old fashioned internalized sexism and 2) the not clean break from Gawker that Jez experienced post incidents like Gawker outing a private citizen just because he happened to be the brother of a somewhat promiment federal employee and 2) the Hulk Hogan horrorshow. Both

No offense, but if I was a victim of sexual harassment (or pretty much anything else), I would be much more likely to go on record with a 166 year old print newspaper journalist than I would a website journalist. Especially if it meant that fucking it up could mean the end of my career or libel lawsuits.

I guess I don’t get how you can play the “we’re doing real journalism” card when the NY Times busted the story wide-open with 5 sources in what, a few weeks since the Weinstein stuff broke? And you’ve supposedly had it for years?

“Our readers don’t have to and shouldn’t take our word on something just because we publish it”

I was 16 in 1979. Let me make it clear: it was not normal for teenagers to date 30 year olds. It was not the custom of the time, it was not in any way acceptable. 14-year olds dated other 14 year olds — maybe a 16 year old. I had 30-something guys hitting on me at 14 but it was and remains creepy as fuck. I probably

According to one poll, the Democratic Party is very unpopular right now

We are not canaries.

Can we talk about the meta issue that is happening in these comments? Because it took yall about 10 seconds to completely shift the dialogue away from women and the enormous amounts of women being injured or killed. This is part of the problem and why women continue to be killed because we can’t even sit and focus on

For the first time ever, I slam dunked a basketball.

As an avowed socialist to the Left of Sen. Sanders in a host of respects, I say we move on from the election. There’s no good to be gained from continuing to focus on Sec. Clinton’s campaign. Yes, there were unseemly dealings made in the DNC on her behalf, but it behooves us very, very little to continue to

I literally cannot bring myself to give a fuck about this. At this point I don’t care if Hillary killed 89 hummingbirds with a baseball bat for votes. It’s over. Trump’s president. We’re doomed, who the fuck cares anymore.

Most importantly, Hillary Clinton would have been able to appoint Scalia’s replacement on the Supreme Court and maybe more if others retired.

I mean, with Clinton as president instead, I’d have stuff that I wouldn’t support wholeheartedly, but just about anything is preferable to the last nine months of Trump.