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In an AP Online interview, James says that she kept the books "coyly written" because "women don't like salacious slang."


Yeah, Gregory's book was the meh one of the bunch, but when you've got brothers like Anthony, Benedict and Colin to compete with, someone has to be the meh one.

I am here with all the money when Hollywood decides it wants to adapt Julia Quinn's Bridgerton series into any form of visual media. ALL THE MONEY (which is not much, admittedly, BUT it's the thought that counts, really.)

I would pay serious cash monies for a Bridgerton mini series. So much material to play with in the first few books alone, never mind when Quinn starts going for the random kidnapping plots toward the end!


The Jon Snow shirtlessness and gladiator fight scenes made it somewhat tolerable. But once the volcano blew, it was back to being awful.

Ha. My mom (who is a massive worrier anyway) accidentally watched Taken a few weeks before my first international trip, and spent an entire night freaking out about it. She'll be glad to know she's not alone in her irrational, movie-fueled paranoia.

I was wondering why that Iggy meme was popping up all over my dashboard this weekend.

YES. I feel so very vindicated now.

"Trumpets" is my favorite guilty pleasure song of the year, even though the lyrics make absolutely NO SENSE.

Went to see them in concert this summer and it was the BEST THING EVER. They're still so good, and it was so much fun. Definitely want to see them again if they have another tour. AND I'm definitely seeing this documentary.

I could NOT stop laughing at these stupid pictures at my desk, so thanks for that.

You see that too when more literary authors write science fiction or fantasy (or any popular genre category actually). Like, look at how cute I am dabbling in this drivel.

Nothing has turned me into a Grinch about the holiday season faster than working retail. I turn into a black vortex of loathing riiiight around the time Christmas decorations go up in the store.

The original aerobics video is the worst of the 80s in 7 minutes.

True facts: I would play the shit out of a Taylor Swift Hollywood style video game. GET ON THIS, TAY TAY.


I had a good solid two months this summer where I was obsessed with this game. I finally kicked the habit when I got flooded with tasks one weekend and just didn't have the time to finish any of them properly. It was probably for the best.

Rick Riordan's last Heroes of Olympus book comes out on Tuesday! No, haven't spent all year stupidly excited for a kids book, what are you talking about? (Also haven't spent all weekend glaring at tumblr because kids and their SPOILERS these days, nope, not at all, hahaha.) Give me a happy ending for Percy/Annabeth or