Best Coast codcolostkey

Crazy thought:

I’m pretty sure that Kellyanne Conway is actually Famine, not Death.

I would be doing very well, all meditative and relaxed, but then he’d hit me with shit like “small pleasures quenching needs” and “we now caress, with fingertips and palms” and... I mean...

buried under a running stream.

I wont feel safe until a wooden stake is shoved through Trump’s heart, his decapitated head is stuffed with garlic and his accursed remains are buried under a running stream.

As someone who recently had a sex dream about John Mayer for no apparant reason, I am ready for this. 

I scrambled through this article to find the deets: IS IT FREE? WHERE IS IT? APP? INTERNET? HOW MUCH?

A month from now?

I downloaded the Calm app in a fit of insomnia at the beginning of the year. 30 days later, I was convinced my apple account had been hacked with a $69 charge!! And then I remembered that I did it to myself. I enjoyed falling asleep to Matthew McConaughey and had high hopes for starting a meditation practice. Didn’t

Absolutely right. More importantly - to Trump - those Frontline communities are majority Democrat.

THis... So much.

Love the Dr. Seuss vibe....

Hasn’t he already explicitly said he intentionally is unmedicated? because his mental illness is his superpower or some nonsense?

I’m pretty sure he’s openly discussed having bipolar disorder. It definitely strikes me as manic behavior, but there are so many confounding aspects - his celebrity, his narcissism, money, drugs, influence of a reality tv family trying to go for spectacle....I think whatever help he could have gotten has long since

Everyone keeps forgetting that he was institutionalized a couple of years ago for “exhaustion” and had to cancel a bunch of appearances. My bet is bipolar or some sort of manic depressive disorder. You can tell he’s unmedicated right now. I’d never say we should forcibly medicate anyone but this fool should not be in

Do not vote for Ye’s fake woke.

His ramblings remind me of those of my late uncle, who was a paranoid schizophrenic. Not saying that Kanye is a paranoid schizophrenic, but mental health issues are definitely present.