Best Coast codcolostkey

“You all can only understand - I OVERstand. That’s how good a stander I am. Some say the best...”

And where Trumpies are concerned it doesn’t even have to make sense. “The numbers were artificially high because the tests Obama left us were faulty. Maybe he should have been paying attention instead of trying to impeach me! THAT’S the REAL crime!”.

Hockey helmet fit is critical to your well-being as a Canadian.

I would argue that all of the things that make us human are far cooler than any of the "cool" things you list. These people thrive in their imaginations in an apocalyptic scenario that rewards brutality and callousness. This pandemic, though, is fought with kindness, fortitude, compassion, and cooperation, that we

When it isn’t violence and every man for himself that brings the world to its its knees, these people do not know how to survive. This pandemic requires our reserves of empathy and responsibility, and these have never been viewed as survival skills by those who are protesting.

We aren’t going to have a vaccine this year. For one thing, vaccines take a long time to develop, because it isn’t enough that it works for small numbers of people over a few weeks. There have to be tests and long trials to determine whether the immunity conferred by the vaccine will last for months, that there is no

Waddles’ entire “plan” was to pretend it was all over and he won. Wearing masks would indicate it isn’t over, which would mean he didn’t win, thus no masks allowed.

Republicans calling for the death of a Democrat? In 2020, we call that “a weekday.”

The whole point of her coming forward was for her rapist to face consquences.there’s nothing wrong with that. Also she said u can believe her and still vote biden. She has family and friends t hat are doing that. I believe her and suck it up and  vote Biden

Makes sense. I know that one time I got food poisoning surprised the heck out of me. After all, I definitely didn’t have food poisoning before I ate that dodgy bit of leftover Thanksgiving ham, so how could I have gotten it?

Piece of shit just run away from female reporters like a fucking baby

I know the answer to this one! He has TWO functioning brain cells left. One is named Neep, and the other named Nonk. Neep spends most of his time thinking about boobs, and the other 5% holding Nonk’s hand as he slowly rots away from too much cocaine. Neep, who has also experienced quite a bit of cocaine, knows that he

It’s all about headlines and now this.

After Mike Pence’s aide and the wife of Stephen Miller, Katie Miller, tested positive for covid-19, all staff working in the White House’s West Wing have been ordered to mask up when they go to work.

Greatest country in the world my ass. I work in medical philanthropy, and we do raise money to fund cancer research, and helping women get mammograms, but we know what we do most of the time? We help people pay their rent because all their money to going towards cancer treatment, or we raise money for the free bed

Couldn’t help but read the title as, “Sane Person States Obvious.

Don’t forget sacrificing a virgin. That crazy lady in the pic is about five seconds away from being Mrs. Carmody from The Mist.

Oooh, yeah, scary and unknown sushi sounds eek! I don’t.... like most fish... (it gets me into trouble at my Japanese American work place, lol) and that would be my nightmare. But I’d feel the exact same — I want everyone to survive, but... food waste. I just ate my sad pizza. lol. At least it’s something I -would-

You really, really do not.

I’m not even going to talk about that crazy bitch in the headline, because fuck her and everything she stands for.