Best Coast codcolostkey

I finally tried a muffin recipe I've had kicking around. I used cooking cream and a fresh peach, and they were delicious. I also made a pizza with tomatoes from my garden. It suddenly got cold, so I'm using the oven for the first time since June.

Challenger looks very proud of hinself.

I'm so sorry you lost your pal so suddenly ⚘

Just like in the 1930s (I think?) the supremes can be reigned in with the threat of stacking the court if they don’t get in step with public opinion. But first dems need to win.

I guess if no one else takes it, rents will start to drop... or people end up moving around a lot :( Hopefully states and cities can help where the feds won’t.

😬 Where do these landlords think they will get new tenants? It's good that your community is coming together to help each other, and shitty that both the health and housing situations are being allowed to spiral out of control.

I'm not ready either. There's so many unknowns, and although community transmission is low here, nothing I'm hearing from local epidemiologists is reassuring. Is there a set time for your buildings to reopen? I wouldn't want to be in a small space with random other people either. 😬

At least they’re shorter interactions? Here, we’re being told it’s longer (15 min+) in smaller spaces that are the biggest risks. It’s pretty nerve wracking to be around people again, especially so many of them! I hope they're wearing masks too. I’m trying to be calm about going back to teaching with full classes andba

Oh my god, did they have family or friends to go to? In my city, people have been blocking the exit to the parking garage of the sheriffs who carry out evictions, but I see more tents in parks. It's a scary time.

I'm glad it turned out all right. I imagine the er is seeing a lot of panic attacks and other stress/ anxiety related health issues right now. How public- facing is your job?

More chickens! :) The flowers are lovely.

I doubt the kid has paid sick leave. Even if all his medical bills are paid, he's losing work and wages that he might be counting on.

Yup, wherever you go, there you are.

I’ve been cutting my zucchini into spears and either grilling on the bbq, or cutting them a little thinner and cooking with some oil in a covered frying pan on med/ low heat. They go well with eggs, rice, a nice sausage, tomatoes, or on pasta, or any combination of these things. You could also put thin cooked slices

Internalized misogyny is a helluva drug. Women can have a good time, express themselves however they want without putting some bullshit, woman-shaming label on it.

Hahaha, poor babies. If they stop watching, maybe it’ll create some space to show women’s hockey

Why is she even worried? She's going to die before one's available.

Or down East. That would also be acceptable.

Why not both? Reducing access to everyone’s information would prevent a lot of Gamergate-style doxxing and harassment, and sensible gun laws would save lives.