Best Coast codcolostkey


That's hilarious

The dresser looks fantastic! I really like that shade of green.


It’ll be fun for your kid to watch too. If you put the seed in wet paper towel up against the side of a jar, or a baggie taped to the window (a good way to reuse bags, but don’t seal the top) you can watch the seed sprout roots and leaves.

Awww, look at the tiny human! Your garden looks great! I've had trouble with critters eating seeds (I'm looking at you, squirrels) so I started covering the ground in chicken wire until things are sprouted enough that they get left alone. I've got a couple zuchinni plants going, and I'm figuring out how to build a

Yay! Darwin!

I'm really sorry you're having to say goodbye to your pal.

I went to the 1st gulf war protest on sort of a group date with my best friend, my new boyfriend and some of his friends. That relationship lasted about 10 weeks, but those kids became my crowd for the rest of high school and into college. My clearest memory of the day was being impressed by the art school students


:) thanks!

Lol The curse of the small space: radical tidyness

Now playing

I had visions of walking an avatar through digital gallery.

Is he taking a break from the exercise ball? Kind to share his fries he is.

This makes me wish I could go swing dancing.

I know. I get the idea behind regional reopening schedules, but it relies on people not being fucking idiots. My city is worse off than anywhere around it. Basically, all the covid is here. I hope people can avoid being assholes and taking covid with them to their cottages. Some cold rainy weather would help.

Now playing

That looks like fun! What do you do with your pictures when you’re done? I feel like there should be a digital art gallery.

I got my hands on a bag of popcorn kernels (this was a Hoarded Item in the betweentimes, and I couldn’t find any) so I have popcorn snacks again. We can any toppings we like! I made a topping mix of chili powder, nutritional yeast*, and a little kosher salt, there’s also classic butter and salt or lime and pepper.

And we used to hang out and eat snacks together. I feel like the writing staff was directed not to be topical

Or if you head out into the kinjaverse, you can have the sns experience all the time :)