
Well written and a great article, a decent from seeing Africans as human beings, to murder not being a crime. As a Christ follower, im often distraught and embarrassed how Christians throughout time have failed in being Christ to their fellow humans. C.S. Lewis said this good reminder, that “you’ve never met a mere

I hate defending chick filet here, but youre clearly biased against them and so your review is pretty worthless. I love Popeyes more than Chicken Filla, but its about food, not about dragging politics into anything. Do you KNOW what Popeyes supports/doesnt support? No you dont, so theres no reason to bring in what

Sounds heartless to me, you wanting to kill people. Thats worse than the apathy you hate.

Amazing that nobody is dragging out the “always believe the victims” on this one. How come? Whats different?

Its not about gender stereotypes, its about dealing with what’s in front of you. Our boys are crazy and ive got a my brother/sister in law that have only girls and they’re crazy too. More important than trying to squash “gender stereotypes” is stop comparing yourself to other moms/kids. People that tisk-tisk #boymom

Barstool does indeed suck, but so does Deadspin, yes for different reasons, but sucks just as badly as Barstool

with Obama’s birth certificate! /sarcasm

Much like the religious boycott, the political boycott is never ending, you will always find 6 degrees of separation from something you hate.

Like the rich people of the United States that ALSO want free health care? If you live in the states you’re already richer than 90% of the world. Rich people like yourself are always going to want more.

The overreaction to this fundraiser is insane. Its akin to saying any democratic donor is in Antifa or something. People can support Trump without agreeing with everything he does, even important things. Its CLASSIC critical thinking errors and a logical fallacy to try to connect the two, and rather than keep

Counter-point, you can help minorities AND support a President guilty of racist statements and actions. Racism is often ignorance based, so its absolutely easy to have a non-profit AND support someone guilty of racism.

Ugh, this #cancelled culture we live in, hope you’re proud of yourself for being the police on silly stuff like that

It must be exhausting being you

Youre not wrong, these liberals just cant see how their lack of actually solutions based problem solving clouds their judgement over who’s to blame, because they could NEVER be part of the problem in their mind.

Until a player gets injured on the netting doing the same thing, freak accidents still happen regardless of safety measures

I mean do we want equal pay or not?

You all are no better than Obama haters

So you admit that you arent a fan of Trump’s recent pardons and commuting of prison sentences? That those are horrible ideas? Or is misleading titles something you regularly practice?

Wow, this is an overreaction to what actually happened, maybe you should take Tituss at his word and not treat it like Real Housewives?