We just need MORE rules right? The rich won’t find ways around MORE rules can they?
We just need MORE rules right? The rich won’t find ways around MORE rules can they?
Correct me if im wrong, but if were only talking about “game checks” thats not the full picture. My understanding was that the USWNT agreement has money spaced out whereas the mens (because they’re horrible) have their money more up front, so it IS more per game, but becuase thats how it was collectively bargained,…
maybe industry standards are based on 18-35, but ESPN likely has a different model based on their own research, which it wouldnt surprise me if it was older. At least from the decision maker demographics
You lost credibility when you said most of the country despises Trumps guts, no poll will show that, youre inferring that anyone that disagrees with him or didnt vote for him DESPISES him. That hyperbole does nothing in an article about polls/research, and only shows that you think in extremes, and not the spectrum…
blah blah blah blah, collectively bargained contract blah blah blah make the changes next round
You crap on Bauer for a “cheap cudgel” when thats all you do for clicks Chris. When your skills at denigrating people are as accomplished as Francesa is in broadcasting, THEN you’ve arrived
As a conservative, i cant choose my allies here, sorry that only bad ideas are getting greenlit.
Howd you know i was a fan of that NFL team?
Jeanie probably needs to be forced to sell the Lakers after this sexual harassment claim, or is there a different standard here?
You sound JUST like the Clinton Truthers, just keep that in mind. BOTH are ridiculous
As a minority owner of a big 4 sports team, I would like to make a couple points: not all owners are billionaires (just the ones you all like to crap on for being billionaires), all the big NBA free agencies went to major markets from smaller (or in Toronto’s case - out of country) markets, so its not an insane…
This would be funny if you did it with democratic candidates as well
As someone who’s worked for a ecommerce apparel site, there are vendors that are willing to pay to be included in their packages for free. My guess is that the diet bar vendor specified that they wanted to target plus sized women, and nobody put the breaks on anything or thought how it would be received. We used to…
All teams need to have ownership like the Packers, and yet the leagues have all outlawed that ownership type
Clearly the PA doesnt care about women
Keep defining people and see how far that gets you, not a libertarian either. You’ve exposed yourself for being a fool and a hack, uninterested in solutions, only bitching at anyone that doesnt agree with you. If anyone is a bleating sheep its you, following what your told, not thinking for yourself. Wake up, fellow…
Wait, you think media goes OUT of their way? see im not a trump supporter but i think they choose to frame things towards racist way more than avoid it
Youre joking right? Theres no way you or “most of us” called out President Obama for “foreign policy entanglements, drones (?), and immigration”. Check the tape and the criticism isnt there with any volume or gusto. Im not a trump supporter, but so many of you democrats are tone deaf at your own shortcomings and hero…
So many of these were brought in from Woot
This is going to be seen as the end of the Franchise, but in truth, Bond was already on life support, the PR that comes with this will likely be what buries it for good