This to countermeasure when Nike’s stock took a dive after signing Kaep? Perhaps both are due to external issues unrelated to this drivel?
This to countermeasure when Nike’s stock took a dive after signing Kaep? Perhaps both are due to external issues unrelated to this drivel?
They’ll do just fine without your patronage, go find another hill to die on
You forgot dinosaurs
Clicks, clicks clicks clicks, clicks, clicks clicks clicks
As someone who has an adopted black sister into our white family, its absolutely a hard thing to do, but i wouldnt every say that a white family SHOULDNT adopt a minority child, whether from inside this country or outside. But it is a whole different set of circumstances than not just being biologically related. Even…
And the Berniebros have no reply to this, they are exposed as frauds and an untenable position
Sometimes? They’re more narrow minded than the republicans they vilify
Please, if these women were trump stooges you’d mock them for literally eating their argument and turning it to shit
I dont disagree, but dont think you’re any different
This attitude is why we have Trump as president
The Democrats are getting attacked by the far left rather than the far left actually supporting anything nationally viable and vilifying fellow democrats that dont support their extreme views, just stuck in their small world thinking they’re so superior to flyover country, but are just as narrow of an understanding of…
“over the last two and a half years, he has continued to do things that people hate at an almost breakneck speed”
You know other presidents have done this as well, just without the media hyperbole. Maybe people just need to stop the hate, like they’re preaching, or is it hate anything that disagrees with you, again,…
Because democrats are too smart to buy into their own propaganda right?
This is the only strategy that will help Trump win, democrats thinking they have this golden opportunity to go far left, and nominate someone too far left, giving us 4 more years of Trump. Thanks a lot Obama
stay tuned for when trailers show something that gets interpreted as skin whitening
He hit the ball, i thought you couldnt get awarded a base if you caused the hbp
Dont leave out altruistic CNN with their Summarize the News and other campaigns where they make you select the “dumb/stay ignorant” button. Its shameful
Update: He came back with a Betsy Ross Flag
What a hero! doesnt matter what she does, her supporters will blindly support her and the media will faun over her like shes innovative or saying genuinely interesting things...smh this is all so fabricated, just let them play soccer and kick ass
Michelle Obama never went to one of these?