Were you laughing the entire interview? no way anyone can take this guy seriously, hes laying it on way too thick
Were you laughing the entire interview? no way anyone can take this guy seriously, hes laying it on way too thick
Until the prochoice movement can talk without hand selected stats vs unbiased, holistic statistics, i cannot take them seriously. If that same woman was driving in a car with an infant and got road rage and caused an accident, she would also be liable for manslaughter no? Yes these are weird, not common circumstances…
Also known as letting the scoreboard do the talking
More selfish than saying, i wanna do whatever i want and someone else should pay for everything? hey if youre gonna have a strawman argument, the other side can too
Again, your first paragraph proves my original point, that no amount of reparations would be “good enough” - that doesnt mean we shouldnt do ANY, but that it would be filling a bottomless abyss and doesnt fix anything
So what about black students that just immigrated from say...idk Ethiopia, do they also benefit from their skin color before they get all the negative and historical aspects of being black in america? Is it like the native american rules where you have to be a certain percentage black? What about black people that can…
Your first paragraph has conflicting statements, saying IM WRONG for saying that an amount cant be figured out, and then saying it WONT EVEN COME CLOSE, suggesting that whatever IS figured out, wont be enough, seems to prove my point.
Your next paragraph compares someone who first hand had tangible issues that could…
So how much do i owe? whats the bill? is this ALL that there is or is there more? (spoiler alert, theres more)
As a taxpayer, the criminal (USA) gets their money from me (as well as the descendants of the victims) - so its hurting everyone
I dont disagree, but i will argue that its just the start, and not the end, and the end wont ever be complete. So either THAT would be the end, or it would continue for every conceivable angle, regardless of true causation issues
Again, explain to me how that doesnt hurt everyone? doesnt seem like you’ve thought this through. Taxes arent a solution when its a question of race. Are they going to test people to make sure they belong to a certain race?
do you fail to see how that isnt a solution? google reparations solutions, and then scroll until you find an article that talks about solutions. THIS article is actually one, and NO solutions are presented in it. Makes my question seem pretty valid
Nobody is freaking out, ive looked on the internet and i only see problems needing solutions, no actual solutions. Please dont take credit for teaching me anything here. I’m aware of many of the ways black america has been taken advantage of, im asking for actual solutions, not more explanations of the problems, not…
So tax white people? wouldnt we just see an influx of people not identifying as white? I regularly fill out “other” when asked, even though others would define me as white and a racist understanding of it would mean that im white too.
This offers zero solutions, just further explaining a problem, thanks for nothing ;) The only solutions is a vague wave of a magic hand by saying “taxing banks” - which would just seem to hurt everyone in the long run
of course it is, making it the brands trying to be supportive EXACTLY how the USWNT wanted them to support them. It happens all the time, and because its 2019, no mens team wants to be left out and being bullied by “not supporting them” but the idea to use the individuals teams in the “background” probably ALSO came…
You are smart enough to know that those graphics came FROM the USWNT right? That it was probably THEIR direction to do this and not something that you’re reading as anti-women
Nice solutions oriented response, full of insight and knowledge
it doesnt HAVE to, but unless it DOES happen that way, reparations will not be enough
But at least they are showing their “support” for the LGBT mafia