
You can measure the number of factors that might be involved in white privilege or reparations, but as more and more generations come and go, its harder to quantify exactly how the generations would be different if no slave trade, jim crow laws, etc existed. There would be the classic overreach, followed/lead by an

RIght, because all these corporate brands suddenly (within the last 3 years) supporting LGBTQ awareness and changing logos to rainbow are clearly an indication of the company’s feelings towards LGBTQ and not simply fearful of the gay mafia threatening to cancel them.

With a comment like that, youre no better/but maybe worse

Please, if Behar did it, you’d be cheering the honesty

Its 2019, im SHOCKED you would assume its gender

Is it just a bad innuendo? It literally makes no sense, so why is it him leering at Molly? Also, Are we being disingenuous as to why Molly is there for First Take? Of all the male and female talking heads, Molly doesnt seem to belong there for her skills as a moderator or as anything other than eye candy that can do

Because deplatforming people has clearly helped, because of the following example...............

Just now try to do that same level of critical thinking to pundits you agree with and see the same sets of flaws in reasoning

Anyone that’s a fan of this post clearly never took a class in critical thinking and all the critical thinking errors littering this article. The author either is joking and the readers dont get it, or is woefully unaware of how many ad hominem attacks, poisoning the well, guilt by association, and a myriad of others.

Thanks for spreading more great points by Shapiro, not that he needs the extra pub. Though i think trying to equate him to actual shock talk pundits is like trying to compare AOC to Communist dictators. Shapiro is rational, and people that dismiss him havent actually listened to him with an open mind.

Get your laws off my body - sound familiar?

Video or it didnt happen

How many other kids were tired or didnt get the right amount of food before...preparation is all a part of the competition. Go until one of these 8 kids stumbles on a word from being tired or hungry. Their health isnt in question, anyone that would argue otherwise is just looking for ways to give everyone a trophy

Ugh, you know you work for deadspin right?, your glasshouse is in shambles from all your rock throwing

There are no adults on the right anymore.”
- says the child still finding the humor in covfefe

Just move to Montreal already

I see your Ben Shapiro and raise you a Richard Dawkins

This is so cheap journalism. A competitor has a great article, and deadspin decides to try to siphon off clicks with an article about the article, and follows it up with another article about the same article. If Deadspin wants to be an aggregate site, go for it, but know that with it Deadspin just becomes a reaction

Seriously, this is a road we shouldnt be going down. Fake Trump videos and edited Republican videos are everywhere, this is just more obvious to you because one of yours is the victim.

gerrymandering is just a more official way to maintain a lobby for a minority group