How does 311 know the color of the caller? why would that impact whether or not they respond to the call?
How does 311 know the color of the caller? why would that impact whether or not they respond to the call?
I cant wait for Trump to be done as president only if it means an end to whiny articles like these that fail to convey a sense that the author is any more reasonable and capable of more nuanced perspective than the people being railed against. I’ll have to wait until 2024 though...*sigh*
as a cis- hetero- conservative man - im not a lost cause, i just want actual facts and deal with real science rather than rhetoric and hiding truths in a 3 card monty of money, numbers, and logical fallacies
more like would say thats a different the “get your laws off my body” wouldnt apply to the life in the womb...its a different body
As a cis male, one of the best ways to get us to care, is to stop the rhetoric and actually talk in real terms, instead of “get your laws off my body” and “my body, my choice”. They should be replaced with fact based ideas, like “I want this person out of my body” “If you can save it once its outside my body, go for…
But clicks were had, thats all that matters
I mean...woof, what a take down...stumbling at the end and failure to stick the landing, but keep making it seem like shes new and shiny.
If there was a way that was equally as intrusive as abortion is but removed a live baby, and we were able to keep it alive, would pro choice people advocate for it?
There nothing religious about killing millions of actual humans. Or are they not humans because they dont have a SSN?
“Or perhaps there’s another side of the story we haven’t heard.”
Abortion clinics are anti women, not interested in science or facts, but only rhetoric of “keep your laws off my body” when theres no realization that they arent protecting those who cant defend themselves. Thats not only anti-women, its anti humanity. If there was a way to save the fetus that was equally as invasive…
Counter point: Tiger Woods earned it as much as Ellen earned it, just without claiming it was a political stunt (unless you think it was a political stunt, but just one you’re in favor of).
How can we protect the life inside the woman that ISNT her body? if there was a way that was equally as invasive as abortion to protect the child, would pro-choice people support it?
The feeling you have rolling your eyes on this is the way conservatives feel about MOST petitions.
I know dozens of cases where thats not true - we need less false narratives on both sides of the debate
Can you change the image header, or is this your way of saying youre a white supremacist - we all know that sign means white power and you should know better!
LOL - ignoring science is never a good idea
I know Castor isnt Trans, but this case highlights the issue feminism has with the trans community. They are NOT compatible.
I think you need to break apart fundamentalists further, because while I am not one myself, i know many and they are at varying degrees of authentic and genuine christ followers. The problem with many fundamentalist groups within Christianity (as well as a problem for people in general) is that there’s too much group…
Pass - theres plenty of politics that has tried to use evangelical christianity, absolutely. But lets not throw out the baby with the shitty bathwater.