
No i totally understand that, but if they were to look at the Israelites vs the surrounding countries, they would all have been the same “race” by today’s standards even back then. So in order to get to an “anti race mixing” stance, you need to add something to scripture and therefore the bible isnt against race mixing

Seriously, i dont get how racist people can cite Jesus or the Bible...look at Jesus’ lineage...its rife with “race mixing”. If they love christ like they claim to, (though its probably white Jesus that they love), they would love a product of significant mixing of races. So they have no point and can only cite Old

Womens categories were created because it was unfair to them to try to compete against the men. Yes women can beat men in athletic competition, but by in large the testosterone provides a marked advantage in men over women that goes beyond physically gifted male athletes vs less physically gifted athletes (ie Michael

i WANT to believe women that come forward, even after several years because i can understand fear/embarrassment/etc - but why is it hard to believe in this instance?

“sat on a duck” - first time ive heard that phrase and i cannot stop laughing

You guys ALL sound like Birthers, FYI

I need to do a better job at reading who wrote an article before i click to support. 

You must not understand how much aid we systematically send Puerto Rico. Offering to help France here (while just a headline grab) doesnt mean the US ISNT/HASNT helped Puerto Rico. But clicks over truth so i get it.

Obama helped Flint so much right?

So are you a fan of the whole “one drop” thing then? cause that seems pretty racist too

Ty Lue is not going to be in a healthy space as a Laker...why would he go back to coaching LeBron?!

What if they say they love their sibling, and not in a familial way? Still ok with that or is that somehow wrong despite love is love?

Please, Joy Behar interrupts everyone

“Footloose, kick off the Sunday shoes

no its a question. is this you’re first time out of your mom’s basement?

are you for removing the ability to drive from people that had a DUI?

Because any yelling at a player is treating them like shit? get real man. No wonder nobody can get along, everything is taken to extremes, theres no middle ground, no nuance, only outrage or abuses of position.

Theres nobody doing it yet because its not socially allowed, once its allowed and womens sports are forced to payout the same as men’s sports because #equality, then we shall see who’s willing to identify as a woman. Because testosterone/estrogen levels shouldnt define one’s womanhood either right? 

Im never paying for CBS All Access, CBS has TERRIBLE broadcast TV, why would i give them any money?

I agree, but when adidas did it, it was wrong...this reeks of a power move by Nike