
Ellen Page

sinful nature is humanity’s doing

are gay people not sinful like everyone else?

So then youre good, because evangelical christianity isnt any specific church, so they arent trying to make you go to their church, or do you mean something different than the classical definition of separation of church and state? Because a classic separation of church and state would ALSO require the state to not

Twisted Christianity is ABSOLUTELY a problem, but an honest pursuit of Jesus would lead anyone to truth and peace.

Many have twisted Christianity into an arm for the republican party, others twist the words of Jesus to make it seem like he only cared about social justice, but the truth is He died so that each person

depends, when you read the word “men” in old texts like that, does it always refer to only “men” or does it mean “all people”

Depends on what you mean by threat. If your goal is a nihilistic society, then yeah, evangelical christianity would be a threat to that

There would be an anti-gluttony lobby if there was a lobby from gluttons saying they only have to pay for one airplane ticket citing fairness.

Also, have you never heard of fat camps?

Give to Ceasar what is Ceasar’s, give to God what is God’s”. That’s more Monarchy/dictatorship than socialist, no?

Have you studied both? I have, they arent comparable. 

Haha, you grossly underestimate how crazy scientology is, but good try for the joke there

its not just leviticus

Anti LGBT means that you cant think anything is wrong with them, which is contrary to what the bible says about EVERYONE, that EVERYONE is a sinner one way or i dont get why the church gets labeled anti LGBT, because by that standard, the church is anti everyone

This is incomplete reporting, WHY did they back up!

its a sin, its not a death sentence, everyone is a sinner, being gay doesnt mean one is MORE a sinner or LESS a sinner than the gluttonous pastor.

So much for being a sanctuary city

This is akin to right wing people decrying global warming during a cold snap in winter #equality!

These are’s a picture of the Democratic Jesus -

- yeah, its non existent because the real Jesus’ message would offend them.

You had to look ALOT harder than you were expecting on this eh?

Come to Milwaukee A.D.!