
This is the obvious reaction to “vote for the furthest left candidate possible”. Most people dont want to go that far left, so why do you abandon the will of the majority and gift Trump another term? If the Democrats go far left, THAT is handing the election to Trump

im in the middle class, have no debt, and paid my way through 4 years of college - there’s options and im not responsible for other people wanting to waste their time in college going through some party tradition or overpaying for a university education that doesnt translate to any substantial advantages in the

“basic human rights” says the American while the rest of the world laughs

I totally agree here - which would you prefer though, being ok that MAGA doesnt mean racist or getting to interpret what others mean by their clothing choices?

So are you trying to go tit for tat with racists that are scared of a black dude in a hoodie? MAGA hats dont equate to racist.

I only see leftists saying this

I really hope this is as dumb as we can get in 2019, but i have my doubts. And thats for both ends of the spectrum. These MAGA kids should try to emulate a group like the LGBT community with how they bully the opposition. 

Closing your eyes as the world burns around you. Not the best course of action if you want real change. Id hope you’d be open enough to look at Accidental Courtesy on Netflix to show you how hate can be stopped for real, not simply ignoring it.

Wait, are you sure that these memes are created by the right wing? when i see them i feel like theres a liberal troll that makes them, and the right wing just parrots that.

ugh with the clickbait, got me again!

facts” missing key pieces of context or reality arent indeed facts. She, like any other politician, removes any context or additional information that would be helpful to see reality as it really is and not just the tunnel vision they are creating for you to see

her social media team is good at twitter

She still cant answer that

Republicans everywhere would welcome that nomination

no, if AOC were a Republican, Miranda Sings would be a household name if shes not already

I mean i think AOC’s path to the presidency is the same as Trump, in that opponents will mock the firey rhetoric, devoid of facts, all the way to the White House

This is the problem, liking a post doesnt mean you like everything that poster has done, take a class on critical thinking!

“facts” - new definition: stuff i agree with

While she’s firey, shes not authentic, every piece of that passionate speech is carefully selected from a pool of rhetoric so as to not say all that much while sounding like shes spouting facts. Example (and by no means is this the only one, only the last one in the video) - she mentioned women and children immigrants