I know nothing about this guy but i want to defend him from your bullying...what a jerk!
I know nothing about this guy but i want to defend him from your bullying...what a jerk!
Voter suppression claims are the same as claims of voter fraud. The numbers dont support either actually happening. Hemming and hawing about something that COULD be voter suppression isnt ACTUALLY voter suppression, in the same way that the lack of voter fraud cases doesnt ACTUALLY mean that there ISNT voter fraud.
Id be with you on this if it wasnt for ALL the logical fallacies that continue to infest this political season. A group like this is terrible, but the threat is in voting no? i dont see violence threatened here. Also the idea that they profess their love for Trump is like...CLASSIC logic error on your part. Might have…
So is now an appropriate time to talk about Michael Irvin’s past? Do we have to?
Having worked for FL.com (and even more specifically on the internet team as well as time with adidas), I can tell you that early Yeezys were qty runs of under 1000, vs 10k+ of hot Jordan releases. So if they are now more readily accessible, they probably did indeed open things up, removing the hyper scarcity…
A funny story, wonder if its true
I dont see the praise Rose got as triumphing over the rape allegations, the dude had TONS of injuries and in my understanding, the triumph over obstacles is specifically related to his sport, not anything outside of sports.
The pretentiousness of this article...its over 5000!!
Im here for media in-fighting. Tell us more about how dumb other media people are!
Because if it was a joke, thats ALL a woman’s body is good for? So any time you joke, thats all whatever you’re joking about is good for? Are you insane? there’s plenty of reason to be mad at this doctor without making yourself sound ridiculous
This is a crazy statement. No rational person should agree with it. No sane person is saying these people don’t deserve to live, regardless of their take on trans being ok or not. Yes, anecdotally there are people that have said they deserve to die, but those same people will say that about anyone they disagree with.…
Nobody wants to compare it to transexuals, but i have yet to hear a reasonable defense of how we can laugh at this, but applaud those that self identify as another sex.
Youre attempt to create different operating frameworks for Fox vs other outlets fails. Its the same thing. the almighty $$. Fox saw that the other news orgs were pandering all to one party, and they found blue oceans by pandering to the right. They are the most obvious at it, but thats the only difference, the other…
This same dialog would be cheered if it was for a democrat. Fight me.
All the commentators on here talking against “born agains”, theres nowhere in this article or the source article that talks about born again. So lets cool it with your strawman arguments against people that turn to christianity.
Life is high school, prove me wrong
But hillary won the popular vote! what happened there?
Ive done this all the time, with no ill impact, its not gross its cost/time effective
Here’s the thing though, judges have been way more liberal than conservative, so this is just the pendulum swinging the other way, it’ll come back again and it wont be a huge deal
People need to start looking at Nike, not that adidas ISNT doing this, but Nike was fine until adidas started being a real threat to market share, and then suddenly they get exposed. They BOTH do this a ton, but Nike has a more iron fist approach to it. I have no doubt that they had a hand in continuing to expose…