
So only people that publicly identify as black should be considered black? I’m sure Dolezal would agree.

Lets get rid of women’s basketball then too

Did anyone actually watch this? its so fake news at worst he’s a little rude and they go tit for tat with rudeness.

So much this, we cannot differentiate between any societal ills anymore. We think we’re better than earlier generations but we’re just trading past inconsistencies and wrongs for fresh new ones

Nobody since Richard Nixon has had as much protection as Hillary Clinton

None of this is news, theres nothing interesting in the clip, its only a medium for more whining. As shocking as it was to me to see Trump elected, i now can see why. and i wouldnt be shocked at all if he gets reelected, the democratic party needs to stop creating more division and needs to win votes by listening to

Warning, incoming game

My guess is this is baseball, so its probably something PED related


Nike’s market share is gigantic, their biggest competition is Nike resellers (no joke - google it). With that said, they have seen adidas and puma really come on strong, adidas specifically with a strategy of creating polorizing product, product that people HATE and that others LOVE. So i do think Nike is stealing a

No, if you look at his history, he seems to unfairly target star players. As I understand it, most coaches end up coaching a little, either purposely or not, and theres some leeway given by other umps that this ump is not giving. So its not about enforcing the rules correctly, more about enforcing them consistently.

The ump has a history of this, not just to women, not just to black athletes. Doesnt make what he did right, but doesnt make it racism/sexism. It makes him Joe West.

Sorry, theres a false equivalence going around about “You cant be serious” and “You’re a thief” - and for Serena to go so fast to a sexism claim, its what makes it harder for me to believe other sexism claims

Its been so entertaining to see people that vilified people that wanted Obama impeached for whatever shoddy reasons they had now turn to try to have their own shoddy reasons to have Trump gone...the lack of self awareness is astounding. Disclaimer: I didnt vote for Trump and i think hes a terrible president

Whatever winning looks like...thats my question, because when dealing with systemic racism...there’s no finish line, theres no win to be had, the best that can be done is push it back into the shadows

You must be in a high hispanic part of the country, cause i’ve never heard that - if anything adidas has worked hard to represent black culture. In fact, i actually believe Nike is doing this to try to win back some of that culture that they’ve lost to adidas/puma. Nike is hurting, so its hard for me to see this as a

If Lebron made any good shoes, this would be interesting. But he doesnt, so not surprising that his womens line is equally unwearable

Youre saying that white supremacists dont wanna buy shoes from a company founded by Adolf?

Im surprised i havent seen comparisons to the nike quote and Islam/Terrorism

An interesting read. the last sentence is very compelling when considering future fetuses will be considered human if the tech exists to keep them alive outside a host, for some reason that’s her standard (spoiler alert - its to not ruffle any feathers). If future tech will allow for younger fetuses to be considered