
Sperm and a fetus are very different things, its a false comparison. A fetus, if left in its found state, develops into a baby. Sperm, left in its found state, does not. Brownies that are baking in the oven are a different thing than the ingredients on the table.

Its a choice for the person making the decision, not for everyone involved in the decision though

Is it our sentience that makes us human? 

What do any of your questions have to do with murder? Are those things that make us human? is it DNA? what does science say makes us human?

Maybe take down that strawman you have for anti abortionists and talk to a real one, not one that gets in the media for being stupid

Why have laws if people are gonna break them right?

Science sides with anti-abortionists on this one. If we are to feel pity and sorrow for the loss of life here (we are) we should also feel pity and sorrow for the loss of life in the womb. Abortion IS murder, the question is are we ok with some murder.

Having lived in Puerto Rico as a white male, the voting record shows that they have not wanted to jeopardize their good situation until it was too late. While the government could have and should have done more, the voters in Puerto Rico are the reason they could not navigate a disaster like Maria.

We need a simpler solution to legal immigration - it shouldnt be as simple as coming over, but it shouldnt be as much paperwork and luck as it is now.

How about stop covering Urban Meyer and cover the real story then?

As a packer fan, i approve!

It makes a nice headline, but its not any indication of the quality of the art

Classic ad hominem when rational discussion fails, kudos!

Owners refusing to make tickets more affordable in baseball is the problem. All they need are the PSLs and they’re good. They can blame the city for not supporting them if they want to move

In an age of gender fluidity, idk why age of consent is still a thing that’s taboo. Not advocating for pedos, just pointing out inconsistencies 

The problem i have with the protest isnt the medium or the veracity of their concerns. The problem i have is they most likely WILL NOT be able to stop protesting in their lifetime. Even if racial injustice trends better, even amazingly better, there will still be racial injustice, and how can you stop protesting then.

Idk about other white people, but i dont actually claim my charitable donations, so idk how the poll was done

We applaud Lebron for one thing, and rip the President for the SAME not a Trump supporter, but this is dumb.

I cant wait until the Cleveland Indians get rid of Chief Wahoo, and then the twitter mob will dig through their 2018 twitter feed and show how they’ve been bigoted jerks, followed by the team saying they were young and stupid then.

Correction: Clippers did feature ships in their logo in 1978