Stopped at “this is not a scientific sample”. What’s the point other than to drive an incomplete narrative if you can’t get beyond a selected sample?
Stopped at “this is not a scientific sample”. What’s the point other than to drive an incomplete narrative if you can’t get beyond a selected sample?
Marvin the Martian and Taz are over rated, they were heavily used in marketing, yet their cartoons were never that funny or engaging. Foghorn seems underrated at 4, but idk who to move
When we allow everyone to follow their own truth, this is the result. Truth is not relative, it is indeed difficult to arrive confidently at truth, but that end truth is not relative.
Please please please continue to hope in her, the republican party would greatly appreciate it.
I always root for the A’s to make a deep playoff run just for the scheduling conflicts with the Raiders
New glarus Enigma FTW!
This is why the Dems wont win and we will be stuck with Trump and cronies
Am i wrong, or if we remove daylight savings time, wont we get stuck with the more terrible of the two time positions? Or do we just live in a world where we constantly fake the time by an hour so we can have more daylight?
Man, that person sure comes out of nowhere, while the driver is at fault for not paying attention, i dont know if a collision was 100% avoidable even with an alert driver
I feel like Soulful Strut would fit this list right?
I agree with Chipper and that nobody needs an AR-15, but dont get it twisted, Columbine happened when AR-15s were banned, so it wont impact school shootings if thats the goal. Its a separate issue that’s still worth pursuing the ban about, but we need to be sober minded that this is not the solution to end school…
This absolutely meets their qualifications for indirect bullying
No, just asking for consistency
You calling it a fact doesnt make it a fact, as I would say its a fact that this is bullying. It meets the definition of bullying, as it comes from a position of strength whether you like to see it as strength or not
Nope, I’m right. - I mean we can do that if you’d like, but im not trying to force you into seeing what i see. This was bullying and it should stop. Its just Hatfield and McCoy garbage.
whats clever here is how you bully me for saying this is bullying. #goodtrollin
Barking up the wrong tree, i dont own, nor will i ever own a gun
You guys? you have no idea where i stand on this, its certainly not what you imply. Just because i find fault in one side does not make me a member of another side - stop feeding that madness!
numbers equaling strength would obviously only apply to the masses, since you’re going in that direction, i presume that you concede that the one side attack from the author is worthy of the bully label.
Back to numbers equaling strength, no it doesnt equate to real, tangible strength, but all thats required is…