
Netflix not putting out a soundtrack that included the pop songs, just the orchestral score, also screwed the Cramps pretty badly.

“Think of how dumb the average American is, and then remember that half of them are dumber than that” - George Carlin

The Cramps deserve better than a TikTok parody anyway. Their music fits where it fits and it's perfect for the dance scene in the show.

Elle King et al. look like sausages about to burst out of their casings.

These are all fantastic targets to parody, especially since the politicians and grifters in particular must be going nuts after being “disrespected,” especially given how many of them openly jerked themselves off when Elon bought Twitter, believing that finally, it was going to be a place where they didn’t spend all

It is kind of fun to see Elon announce he’s going to burn the platform to the ground, only for users to pitch in and help.

If it’s any consolation, there’s probably only a few more weeks of this before Twitter as we know it disappears, either by declaring bankruptcy or hemorrhaging so many users/employees/engineers that it can no longer function.

It’s not just you. Taking a break from endless trash is good and necessary. The constant flow of shallow information about the very worst people in the species can be exhausting.

Magnificent. Great work, everyone. xD

I don’t mind the orange color but the bra cups do not fit even remotely. This dress could be pretty... if it fit her. 

gotta nip-slip going on there...

And the red dress on the one lady looks painful. Is it the photo, or did she use contouring on her chest?

Award show banter is never great but the country awards are always the worst. Not even political, just objectively bad jokes. 

Plus I think Katy’s got like a harvest moon amount of areola out and about.

There are some serious crimes against breasts going on here. That burnt orange dress is terrible; if you’re going to have visible cups, for the love of god make them the right size for your rack!

Michael Shannon is already an odd-looking guy. Whatever’s going on with that hair isn’t doing him any favors.  I say this as a big fan of his work.

(as shown: the other cameltoe)

Thin beautiful people can wear almost anything and still be thin and beautiful.  The rest of us, though...

I would rather see someone completely naked than whale tails, most cutouts, or wearing low cut pants. So not a prudishness thing at all, I just they look ugly, even if you have an amazing body.