I wish AV Club would rethink this whole “publishing articles as fucking videos” thing.
I wish AV Club would rethink this whole “publishing articles as fucking videos” thing.
I do the same thing after every break up*.
Your mom was a wise woman.
I have absolutely nothing nice to say about the Kardashians, but I guarantee the children will be infinitely better off going to a real school as opposed to one created by Kanye that seeks to create “Christ-followers.”
It’s all good!
And the whole “Sorry I’ve been verbally and emotionally abusive. I had a bad day at the office.” excuse is so deeply gross and commonplace. Be an adult and go decompress when you have a bad day. Recognize your fucking emotions and deal with them yourself, don’t make it your kids’ fucking problem!!! UGH - my stepdad…
Will no one have the decency to take Kanye’s phone away?
Sorry. I misread your comment (first sentence) as implying Kim is crying victim and finding support for that claim. But you meant Kanye is crying victim. Completely agree. Wish there was an option to delete.
Where did I say that his behavior towards Kim now is ok? Pretty sure I didn’t. He’s stalking, harassing, and using his army of fans to amplify it.
Kanye just screams family Annihilator, I just feel bad for his kids. Shut your mouth to the public and focus on getting and spending the best time you can with your kid. Anything else just makes you come off like an asshole.
“My business, my brand and my children”
Kanye, you are right, but you also knew what was going to happen when you laid down with that woman the type of family she came from and the person she is.
The neon ‘Mr. and Mrs. Affleck’ sign that every other millennial ‘girl boss’ uses for her business is also priceless. Turns out Jenny from the block has the same aesthetic as Becky from the suburbs.
J. Lo’s sign “Love Never Fails” - really? hahaha. Seems like of all the signs at HomeGoods that this one would have resonated with her the least....?
Surely we don’t expect anything other than this from a Trump supporter?
Kanye again doing an excellent job of showing the court and the world that those kids have one stable parent and it’s not him.
Well, if he’s considering himself a “cum donor”, why does he think he gets a say? The list of things wrong with his posts.. From sharing where his kids go to school, the harassment, the bullying, the racism, the sexualisation of his own children, the slut shaming of the mother of his children.. All because he thinks…
Wait, Ben Shapiro is married, yet he’s unfamiliar with wet pussies?