
But that narrative doesn’t sell more wipes. I keep wipes in my truck and they stay wet for as long as the travel size pack lasts. Should you keep a Costco size in your car? No. Is the travel size dam near perfect for this? yes. Buy the Costco and refill the travel.

I wonder if this is only for baby wipes - I’ve kept a pack of Windex wipes in my glove box for years before and eventually they do dry out but it takes a while, a lot longer than a month or two. And since I’m not using them on anything except for the interior or exterior of the car I’m not super worried about growth

and if you’re like a friend of mine, if there are any raw onions, he won’t bother sending the food back. The onions will get picked out and given to the “I’ll eat anything if it’s free” scavengers at the table.

Once I ordered “a cheeseburger with nothing on it”, and I got a plain burger. I told the waitress I ordered a cheeseburger, and she said, “Yeah, but you said nothing on it”, which is true I guess.

pre shredded cheese has anti clumping ingredients added that make it melt weird, a good restaurant will shred its own cheese

>An entire table full of food is growing cold and congealed because of an absolute inability to consume fajitas without shredded cheese.

Hardline food habits (not allergy-related)? In a restaurant?

I'm 99% with you. That 1% is that I won't eat raw onions. Everything else is possible and "no raw onions" is my only special order.

This. Years ago I dated a woman with celiac’s disease and felt bad every time she had to send something back (“Is there breading on this chicken? I’m sorry, but I can’t eat it, can you please remake this?”), but the restaurants were always kind and professional about it.

Hot fajitas without cheese are better than cold with cheese, but also better than hot with cheese.

I bet hot fajitas without cheese is better than cold fajitas (with cold cheese)

From the forlorn look of his wife to the insistence that the inclusion of shredded cheese is “the only she can eat fajitas” as if she’s got a food allergy to non-cheesy-fajitas to crying about the whole affair on social media rather than actually just getting up and talking to the manager, the peak spoiled behavior

Hardline food habits (not allergy-related)? In a restaurant?

Yes. Fuel mileage has nothing to do with particulates or noxious gas emissions. 

The author of this “comment” sounds like he had his balls stolen by a girl in a Prius. This read screams “I am a beta Male, hear my big truck!” Why the personal attacks instead of a poignant comment? Just makes you look like a douche, not me. 

LOL, wut?

Rolling coal is dumb, obnoxious and hazardous in many many ways. I’m glad they got fined. I don’t understand why the “thin blue line” decal mention was necessary. You could’ve just said MAGA sticker or confederate flag sticker. The picture you’re painting would’ve come through just as well without revealing your bias

You don’t find it the least bit ironic that they “RESPECT THE LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS” but don’t respect the laws they are sworn to uphold?

I never though I’d see a shoe uglier than Crocs, yet here we are.

These are definitely the shoes of a child who’s father is the leader of a cult. He has somehow made a less fun Croc and I’m offended. At least Crocs come in fun colors for kids. These are the ugliest shoes I’ve ever seen. Their kids should riot.